
Category Archives: Fiscal Responsibility

Rep. Paul Ryan (R-WI) has proposed a House Republican budget which achieves many terrible results for the nation. Among them, here are three important facts you need to know: 1. Ryan’s Budget Ends The Medicare Guarantee And Shifts Costs To … Continue reading

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With only 7 legislative days left until House Republicans head out on a five week recess, yesterday the GOP held vote after vote after vote to rename ten post offices and courthouses and today will waste taxpayer dollars with more … Continue reading

Posted in Fiscal Responsibility, Labor and American Jobs, What's Happening | Leave a comment

Today, Republican leaders will huddle with former Vice President Dick Cheney to solicit his thoughts on the budget. Recall, Cheney was the architect of the irresponsible, deficit-busting Bush tax cuts. The Democratic Leader’s press office released this video today to … Continue reading

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According to a new poll from the Pew Research Center, Americans believe that providing a tax cut to 98 percent of Americans and ending the Bush tax cuts for the richest 2 percent is fair and will help the economy. … Continue reading

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Speaker John Boehner and Congressional Republicans love paying lip service to tax cuts for the middle class.  Actually delivering tax cuts to the middle class?  Think again.  Here’s the state of play: Republicans are holding tax cuts for 98 percent … Continue reading

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Speaker Boehner and House Republicans have made no secret of working hand in hand with their “Tax Breaks Or Bust” message guru Grover Norquist for the past year and half: Grover Norquist: “…Speaker Boehner has taken the pledge and always … Continue reading

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This Congress, House Republicans have made their top priority clear: protecting tax cuts for the wealthiest.  But another poll out today resoundingly shows that the GOP’s top priority is not that of the American people: 26 percent of Americans support … Continue reading

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In a press conference today, Speaker Boehner and Republican leaders defended their plan to protect tax breaks for millionaires, Big Oil and corporations that ship jobs overseas. When asked about Leader Pelosi’s letter calling for an immediate vote to extend … Continue reading

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To:  Congressional Republicans Fr:   Democratic Leader’s Press Office Dt:   May 29, 2012 Re:  Why Wait? We both agree that taxes should not be hiked on America’s middle class.  So why wait to provide American families and small businesses … Continue reading

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Today Democratic Leader Nancy Pelosi sent a letter to Speaker Boehner calling for the House to immediately vote on a permanent extension of the middle income tax cuts – for those making up to $1 million – and use the … Continue reading

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