U.S. Department of Justice

On Justifying Punishment: The Discrepancy Between Words and Actions

Publication year: 2008 | Cataloged on: Oct. 23, 2008

Library ID

  • 023354

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  • 2008
  • 19 pages.

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  • On Justifying Punishment: The Discrepancy Between Words and Actions

ANNOTATION: The "discrepancy [that exists] between what people want (both deterrence and retribution), and the actions that people perceive as just (retributive justice)" is examined (p. 17). Sections following an abstract are: introduction; Study 1 -- method and results according to manipulation checks, assigned punishment, stated motives, behavioral measure, nonconsistency between stated and actual motives, and discussion; Study 2 -- method and results according to support for abstract polices, for application of policies, and for policies after application, and mediational analysis; and general discussion. While individuals may claim to support deterrence, they actually prefer the application of retributive sentences.

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