Trafficking in Persons Report 2007

Cover of the Trafficking in Persons Report June 2007."Trafficking in persons is a modern-day form of slavery, a new type of global slave trade. Perpetrators prey on the most weak among us, primarily women and children, for profit and gain. They lure victims into involuntary servitude and sexual slavery. Today we are again called by conscience to end the debasement of our fellow men and women. As in the 19th century, committed abolitionists around the world have come together in a global movement to confront this repulsive crime. President George W. Bush has committed the United States Government to lead in combating this serious 21st century challenge, and all nations that are resolved to end human trafficking have a strong partner in the United States."
-- Secretary Rice, June 12, 2007

The Report
In addition to the HTML-based files listed below, this report is available in PDF format as a single file [PDF: 22 MBGet Adobe Acrobat Reader]. To view the PDF file, you will need to download, at no cost, the Adobe Acrobat Reader.

--  Table of Contents (expanded)
--  Letter from Secretary Condoleezza Rice
--  Introduction
--  Learning More: The Forms and Impact of Human Trafficking
--  Policy Approaches to Trafficking in Persons
--  Topics of Special Interest
--  Global Law Enforcement Data
--  Commendable International Efforts
--  Heroes Acting To End Modern-Day Slavery
--  Tier Placements
--  U.S. Government Domestic Anti-Trafficking Efforts
--  Country Narratives
--  Special Cases
--  Relevant International Conventions
--  Trafficking Victims Protection Act of 2000
--  Stopping Human Trafficking, Sexual Exploitation, and Abuse by International Peacekeepers
--  Glossary of Acronyms
--  A Closing Note From the Drafters of the Report
--  PDF Version: Trafficking in Persons Report, June 2007 [ 22110 Kb]

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