U.S. Department of Justice

Proceedings of the Large Jail Network Meeting, July 11-13, 1993, Denver, Colorado

Publication year: 1993 | Cataloged on: Oct. 31, 2006

Library ID

  • 003372

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  • 1993
  • 63 pages.

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  • Proceedings of the Large Jail Network Meeting, July 11-13, 1993, Denver, Colorado

Thumbnail preview ANNOTATION: Two main topics were the focus of this meeting: the privatization of corrections and the special needs of women offenders in jails. Presentations on privatization addressed contracting out specific services as well as the issue of full-scale management of correctional facilities. The health care needs of women in jail were addressed by two physicians who direct jail health services. Another major session was devoted to the need for special programming for women in jail.

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