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System Optimization Reviews Grants

Previous Grant Selections

Reclamation has awarded grants in fiscal years 2011, 2010, 2009 and 2008.


Salazar Announces $2.7 Million in WaterSMART Funding to Study River Basins and Improve Water Systems - (July 20, 2011) Secretary of the Interior Ken Salazar announced that the Bureau of Reclamation is providing $2.7 million in funding for studies in California, Kansas, Nebraska, New Mexico, Oregon, Utah and Texas through the U.S. Department of the Interior's WaterSMART Program. More...

2011 System Optimization Reviews (19 KB - PDF)

Fiscal Year 2010

Reclamation Announces the Selection of Grants to Perform System Optimization Reviews under WaterSMART Program - (August 12, 2010) Bureau of Reclamation Commissioner Michael Connor announced the selection of $665,250 in System Optimization Review grant proposals through the WaterSMART Program. This money will be leveraged to fund over $1.8 million in System Optimization Reviews. More...

2010 System Optimization Reviews (29 KB - PDF)

Fiscal Year 2009

Reclamation announces $5.6 million in Challenge Grants for Water Conservation in the West - (August 5, 2009) Bureau of Reclamation Commissioner Michael Connor announced that the Bureau of Reclamation has awarded $4.6 million in Water Marketing and Efficiency Grants and $1 million in System Optimization Review Grants. Funding for these grants was provided in the Fiscal Year 2009 appropriations. More...

List of FY 2009 Grants (9 KB - PDF)

Fiscal Year 2008

List of FY 2008 Grants (14 KB - PDF)

Last updated: 10/31/11