U.S. Department of Justice

Mental Health, Abuse, Drug Use and Crime: Does Gender Matter?

Publication year: 2009 | Cataloged on: May. 24, 2010

Library ID

  • 024095

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  • 2009
  • 6 pages.

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  • Mental Health, Abuse, Drug Use and Crime: Does Gender Matter?

ANNOTATION: The relationship between mental health, drug use, offending, and abuse as a child is examined. Groupings investigated include: mental abuse among police detainees, mental illness and drug use and offending, and childhood abuse and drug use and offending. Results show that female detainees are more likely than males to use “Hard” drugs (i.e., heroin and amphetamines), be arrested for property crimes, and possess a stronger relationship between drug use, offending and being abused as a child.

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