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Community College Virtual Symposium

The President convened the first ever White House Summit on Community Colleges in October 2010. The Summit engaged leaders from community colleges, businesses, philanthropic groups, federal and state governments, and students. Discussions centered on helping community colleges ensure student success and meet the workforce needs of the economy. The Summit further considered ways that community colleges support the President's goal to lead the world with the highest proportion of college graduates by 2020. Papers from the White House Summit are available.

As a follow-up to the White House Summit, the Department convened Regional Summits, extending the conversation to four locations across the country. A proceedings report is available, summarizing the key insights from those regional discussions [PDF, 318K].

The series of national discussions culminated in a Community College Virtual Symposium, featuring the conclusions of prominent researchers who developed the following papers:

A proceedings report on the Symposium is also available [PDF, 747K].

The Department is developing further opportunities to support the critical work of community colleges and will update this page, as details are released.

OVAE Community College Webinar Series

To provide a closer look at the work spotlighted at the Community College Virtual Symposium, OVAE in coordination with NRCCTE has begun a series of webinars, the first two of which are archived here:

  • Community Colleges and Employer Partnerships

  • Improving Alignment between Secondary and Postsecondary Career and Technical Education

Broader Middle East and North Africa (BMENA) Community and Technical College Symposium

OVAE sponsored an international symposium attended by more than 100 education, business, and civil society representatives from 15 nations on June 16 and 17, 2009 in Amman, Jordan. The symposium was built on a series of presentations and interactive dialogues about a variety of approaches to bridging education and workforce development and preparing youth and adults for careers in the global economy. Deputy Assistant Secretary Glenn Cummings led the U.S. delegation, which included esteemed community college presidents, researchers, and organizational leaders from across the country. Jordanian Minister of Higher Education and Scientific Research and Minister of Education Walid al-Ma’ani and U.S. Ambassador Robert Stephen Beecroft joined Deputy Assistant Secretary Cummings in welcoming the participants and setting the context for the event. The symposium was made possible through OVAE’s ongoing partnership with the U.S. Department of State and the U.S. Agency for International Development to support community and technical college development in the BMENA region. Read more about the symposium and view photos in the press release and ED blog.

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Last Modified: 04/30/2012