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Environmental Management and Integration Team

General Information

The Environmental Management Integration Team (EMIT) provides Department-wide leadership to integrate sustainability into the Department’s business practices for operations and facilities and to reduce the Department’s environmental footprint.

EMIT responsibilities include participating on federal agency policy development and implementation teams, leading  departmental policy and sustainable practices technical workgroups and implementation teams, and managing  the Department’s federal and internal environmental reporting requirements.

EMIT is the designated lead for standing up and managing the operation of Department’s Sustainability Council (Council).

 The Council is responsible for developing and implementing environmental compliance and other (Executive Orders) requirements through the Department’s environmental management system (EMS).

 The Council consists of four management levels ranging from the Department’s Senior Sustainability Officer at the Assistant Secretary level to technical subject matter experts at the staff level.

The scope of EMIT’s sustainability leadership includes but not limited to: sustainable buildings, electronic stewardship, carbon footprint reduction, EMS, environmental compliance, pollution prevention, and solid waste management. EMIT manages the Council and working groups in a collaborative and interdisciplinary fashion using consensus to reach decisions with bureau and office representatives.

The Team also manages the Department’s Conference on the Environment, Environmental Achievement Awards and Earth Day celebrations, and serves as a resource to bureaus and offices for compliance assurance and awareness of federal and executive requirements. 

For more information about EMIT’s programs, visit EMIT’s website at:


DOI General Environmental Management Systems Awareness Training

515 DM 4 Environmental Management Systems

Interpretive Guidance on the Department's EMS Policy (515 DM 4)

Improving Environmental Compliance and Performance through EMS

DHS Chemical Facility Anti-Terrorism Standards (CFATS) training slides

FY 2008 Departmental Summary Report on Bureau Environmental Auditing Programs and Activities

FY 2008 DOI Annual Environmental Management Systems Report