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Public Worker Safety
Public Worker Safety

Two public employees burn to death performing unnregulated hot work. ... More

Explosion at Formosa Plastics (Illinois)
Explosion at Formosa Plastics (Illinois)

A preventable human error leads to a vinyl chloride explosion, killing five. ... More

Hazards of Nitrogen Asphyxiation
Hazards of Nitrogen Asphyxiation

Two contract workers suffocate while servicing a refinery process vessel. ... More

Fire at Formosa Plastics (Texas)
Fire at Formosa Plastics (Texas)

Without safegaurds, a small collision leads to a massive process fire.... More

Dangers of Propylene Cylinders
Dangers of Propylene Cylinders

Gas cylinders, rocketing from a fire, endanger a St. Louis neighborhood. ... More

Ethylene Oxide Explosion at Sterigenics
Ethylene Oxide Explosion at Sterigenics

At a sterilization plant, bypassing a safety interlock has catastrophic results. ... More

Dangers of Flammable Gas Accumulation
Dangers of Flammable Gas Accumulation

When acetylene explodes inside a shed, three workers lost their lives. ... More

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U.S. Chemical Safety and Hazard Investigation Board
2175 K Street NW   |   Washington, DC 20037
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