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One Team, One Mission, One Day

At noon on January 20, 2009, the polished brass doors on the West Front of the Capitol gleamed. Thousands of chairs glistened in the winter sun. Red, white and blue flags and bunting fluttered in a cold breeze. Hundreds of Architect of the Capitol staff, who had helped plan, construct, secure, set up, clean, procure and organize the 56th Presidential Inauguration held their collective breaths as the ceremony began.

Master Illusionists of Capitol Hill

Find out how the AOC's painters use tricks of the trade to turn wood into marble and metal into wood.

A Holiday Tradition

The Architect of the Capitol Trims the Capitol Christmas Tree


Bringing History to Life

The Capitol Rises During the Civil War


A Breath of Fresh Air

Adjacent to Interstate 295, in DC’s Anacostia neighborhood, hides a labyrinth of greenhouses that are home to some of the world’s most exotic and beautiful plants. The greenhouses form their own world with 17 unique environmental zones where the orchids radiate vibrant colors, the herbs emit a delicious aroma and the holiday spirit is alive year-round among the poinsettias.


A Century of Service

This year, the Capitol Power Plant marks 100 years of steady service of steam and chilled water to heat and cool the Capitol. In that century of service, the plant has undergone significant changes as new buildings were built, and more modern and efficient equipment was installed.

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