U.S. Department of Justice

Statewide Coordination of Problem-Solving Courts: A Snapshot of Five States

Publication year: 2010 | Cataloged on: Mar. 08, 2012

Library ID

  • 025594


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  • 2010
  • 10 pages

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  • Statewide Coordination of Problem-Solving Courts: A Snapshot of Five States

Thumbnail preview ANNOTATION: The most common issues facing the statewide coordination of problem-solving courts (i.e., drug courts, mental health courts, domestic violence courts, community, courts, and others) in the states of California, Idaho, Indiana, Maryland, and New York are discussed. Lessons learned from these states can be applied to similar initiatives in other states. The major goals for statewide coordination involve quality assurance, training, funding, research and evaluation, technology, and advocacy. These areas are described for each state.

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