747 Shuttle Carrier

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Space Shuttle Carrier Aircraft
NASA 905, a modified Boeing 747, will ferry the Discovery, Enterprise and Endeavor shuttles to the cities of their final display venues.

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Space Shuttle

Space Shuttle Discovery soars away from Launch Pad 39A at the Kennedy Space Center, beginning its maiden voyage and a storied spaceflight career that spanned more than 26 years.

After 30 years and more than 100 missions launching observatories and building the space station, the shuttle's mission is complete.

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International Space Station

International Space Station

Aboard the International Space Station, astronauts work to improve life on Earth and extend life beyond our home planet.

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Beyond Earth

Beyond Earth image montage

This is the beginning of a new era in space exploration where we will build the capabilities to send humans deeper into space than ever before.

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OIA web site
Office of Strategic Infrastructure

OSI is a diverse organization supporting Agency missions by providing executive leadership, policy, technical expertise and oversight of Agency infrastructure and management systems for: aircraft, environmental, real property, logistics, and strategic capabilities programs.

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Latest Features

The space shuttle Endeavour and its 747 carrier aircraft soar off the California coast near Ventura as its heads to the Los Angeles area during the final portion of its tour of California Sept. 21.

Space Shuttle Endeavour Comes Home to Los Angeles

Space shuttle Endeavour atop its 747 carrier aircraft landed at Los Angeles International Airport after a tour of California to end its flight career.

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The shuttle carrier aircraft (SCA) and Endeavour

Endeavour Flyovers Draw Excited Fans

NASA's Shuttle Carrier Aircraft pilots will carry Endeavour to its new home in Los Angeles.

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JSC2012-E-216066 -- Space shuttle Endeavour atop the Shuttle Carrier Aircraft

Shuttle Endeavour Available for Viewing in Houston

Space shuttle Endeavour is available for public viewing Wednesday, Sept. 19, until 9 p.m. CDT at Ellington Field in Houston.

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A crane lifts highest beam into place.

Atlantis' New Home Tops Out

Workers placed a steel beam in place at the highest point of the exhibit hall being built for space shuttle Atlantis at Kennedy Space Center.

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    Shuttle landing at Kennedy Space Center

    The final space shuttle has landed, but there is plenty of work still to come in the transition and retirement of the Space Shuttle Program.

    As the majority of the shuttle workforce moves on to other work – many on future exploration plans – a small core will remain to see that the program's 30-year legacy is preserved in the best possible manner. In the coming months they will ensure that the orbiters and other artifacts are safely prepared for their new homes and the lessons learned through the program's history are gathered for future generations.

Transition & Retirement

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