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Freshwater Spills Symposium 2004 Agenda, Presentations & Papers

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Papers, presentations, and other files presented at the 2009 Freshwater Spills Symposium (FSS) are available below. FSS papers and presentations reflect the views of their author(s) and are not necessarily the views of EPA.

The Freshwater Spills Symposium 2004 Agenda
Tuesday, April 6, 2004
7:45 AM - 8:45 AM
[Near Breakout Rooms]
Onsite Registration
8:45 AM - 9:15 AM
Welcome and Introductions
[Jefferson Ballroom]

Don Smith, EPA Region 6
Roland Guidry - LOSCO
The EPA Region 6 Oil Program: "An Integrated Approach" - Jimmy Graham, EPA Region 6

9:15 AM - 10:30 AM
Plenary Session 1
[Jefferson Ballroom]
Homeland Security and a New National Response Plan: Implications for Freshwater Spills Preparedness and Response
Barbara Davis, EPA Headquarters - The Effect of Coast Guard Maritime Security Rules on EPA-Regulated Facilities (PDF) (13 pp, 69K)
Debbie Dietrich, EPA Headquarters
Mike Drieu, USCG
Ray Perry, USCG
10:30 AM - 11:00 AM Break
11:00 AM - 12:00 PM
Plenary Session 2
[Jefferson Ballroom]
Trends in the EPA Product Schedule and Oil Spill Prevention
EPA Oil Program Staff and Invited Guests
12:00 PM - 1:30 PM Lunch
Tuesday, April 6, 2004 (Afternoon)

1:30 PM - 3:00 PM
Breakout Sessions

Information Technologies in Spill Response

Oil Spill Response Organizations

Prevention through Enforcement

Restoration and Oiled Wildlife
[Oak Alley]

Spill Management Information System for Freshwater Incidents (PDF) (35 pp, 1MB) - Dr. Eugene LeBoeuf, Vanderbilt University

Field Force Automation (PDF) (37 pp, 13MB) - Don Smith, EPA Region 6

Use of GIS for Spill Response Planning to Protect a Critical Watershed (PDF) (51 pp, 6.6MB) - Karl Morgenstern, Eugene Water & Electric Board

Inland Water - Oil Spill Removal Organizations: Where are they for the Facility Response Plan Holders in the Western USA? - An Industry Perspective (PDF) (29 pp, 1.3MB) - Dee and Carl Oskins, DOWCAR Env. Mgmt., Inc.

Partnering with EPA (PDF) (7 pp, 252K) - LT Barbara Midkiff, USCG

The Duel Edge Sword of OPA '90 (PDF)(14 pp, 394K) - Mark Shaye, Spill Control Association of America

Oil Spill Prevention Measures: Tackling the Tough SPCC Issues (PDF) (19 pp, 342K) - William Frye, C&S Engineers, Inc.

Overview of Recent CWA Judicial Enforcement to Address Oil Pipeline Spills (PDF) (1 pg, 17K) - Cheryl Rose, EPA Headquarters

Improving Regulatory Compliance for Small Business using Agency Enforcement & Compliance Assistance Tools (PDF) (32 pp, 859K) - Michael Hodanish, EPA Region 2

Wildlife Retrieval Efforts During the Cooper River Incident (No file available) - Susie Michaelson, Tri-State Bird Rescue & Research, Inc.

Emergency Response Consultation under the Endangered Species Act (PDF) (13 pp, 260K) - Linda Woestendiek, USDOI

Impact of Oil Spill Removal on a Freshwater Wetland (PDF) (37 pp, 4.9MB) - Michael Solecki, EPA Region 2 and Royal Nadeau, Ecostrategies

3:00 PM - 3:30 PM


3:30 PM - 5:00 PM
Breakout Sessions

Information Technologies in Spill Response (cont.)

Oil Spill Response Organizations (cont.)

Prevention through Enforcement (cont.)

Restoration and Oiled Wildlife (cont.)
[Oak Alley]

Use of Geographic Information Systems in Pipeline Management and Spill Response (No file available) - Randle Payne, Payne Environmental Services

Mapping for Spill Response Intelligence and Contingency Planning (No file received) - Bill Robberson, EPA Region 9

The State of Coastal OSRO's and Their Inland Survival (PDF) (53 pp, 6.9MB) - John Temperilli, Garner Environmental Services

The Oil Pollution Act of 1990 (OPA '90) After Ten Years of Regulatory Enforcement: ain For the Environmental Protection of the Great Lakes Region (PDF) (54 pp, 2.6MB) - Michael Popa, Marine Pollution Control

Managing Emergency Response Contractors in the 21st Century (PDF) (12 pp, 161K) - Keith Robson, Marathon-Ashland

Train Derailment and Oil Spill Into Clark Fork River, Montana: The Ugly, the Bad and the Good (PDF) (45 pp, 4.4MB) - Jane Nakad, EPA Region 8

40 CFR 112, Spill Prevention, Control, and Countermeasure (SPCC) Plan (PDF) (32 pp, 1.2MB) - Eric Politte and John McHugh, Response Management Associates, Inc.

Reducing the Number and Severity of Oil Spills Through Active Enforcement (PDF) (1 pg, 13K) - Nelson Smith and Roberto Bernier, EPA Region 6

Southern Arkansas Environmental Improvement Project (PDF) (24 pp, 5.8MB) - Don Smith, EPA Region 6

Wildlife and Oil Spills: Before the Oiled Animals Arrive (No file available) - Eileen Gilbert, Tri-State Bird Rescue & Research, Inc.

Phytoremediation Along the Indian Harbor Canal (PDF) (39 pp, 2.8MB) - Ann Whelan, EPA Region 5

Wednesday, April 7, 2004 (Morning)

8:30 AM - 10:00 AM
Breakout Sessions

Biological Countermeasures

New Concepts in Planning

Response Strategies
[Oak Alley]

Special Session:

Influence of Nitrate and Phosphate Concentration on Simultaneous Phenanthrene and Octadecane Biodegradation in Freshwater (PDF) (28 pp, 404K) - Susana Garcia-Blanco, University of Cincinnati

Effects of Potassium Permanganate and Hydrogen Peroxide on the Biodegradation of Weathered Crude Oil in Sediments from Indiana Harbor Canal (PDF) (1 pg, 16K) - Sam Fisher, Washington University

Biodegradation of Methyl t-Butyl Ether Using an Innovative Biomass Concentrator Reactor (PDF) (30 pp, 1.6MB) - Al Venosa, EPA ORD

Implementing a National Preparedness and Response Mapping Application (PDF) (16 pp, 1.5MB) - Tom Rayburn, Great Lakes Commission

Applying Consensus Net Environmental Benefit analysis in the Inland River Environment (PDF) (14 pp, 304K) - Robert Pond, USCG

Spill Manual (PDF) (5 pp, 23K) - Harry Allen, EPA Region 2

When Low Technology is the Answer (PDF) (22 pp, 2MB) - Bob Mandel, EPA Region 9

A Crude Oil In-Situ Burn in a Peat Bog (PDF) (90 pp, 28MB) - Steve Leppala, Minnesota Pollution Control Agency

Development and Design of a Fast Water Environment Containment Boom System For Adverse Site Conditions (No file received) - Michael Popa, Marine Pollution Control

Science by the Seat of the Pants (PDF) (32 pp, 3.9MB)
Steve Lehmann and Richard Wingrove, NOAA

The Practical Science of Bioremediation of Oiled Soil (PDF) (63 pp, 5MB)
Harry Allen, EPA Region 2

Observations and Documentation Case Study (PDF) (29 pp, 1.5MB)
Richard Wingrove, NOAA

10:00 AM - 10:30 AM


10:30 AM - 12:00 PM
Breakout Sessions

Biological Countermeasures (cont.)

New Concepts in Planning (cont.)

Response Strategies (cont.)
[Oak Alley]

Special Session (cont.):

Effects of Interfacial Tension and Viscosity on Sedimentation of Vegetable Oil by Clay (PDF) (1 pg, 18K) - Rebecca Barefoot, Washington University

Inhibition of Anaerobic Biodegradation of Vegetable Oil in Freshwater Sediments by Fatty Acids: Inhibition by Ferric Hydroxide (PDF) (1 pg, 17K) - Zhengkai Li, Washington University

Conceptual Model for Advanced Environmental Preparedness (PDF) (14 pp, 0.8MB) - Ann Whelan, EPA Region 5

Isle Royale National Park Protection Strategies: Overcoming Contingency Planning Challenges Overcom via the Regional Response Team (PDF) (41 pp, 2MB) - Michelle Jaster, EPA Region 5

“Extreme” Cold Weather Oil Spill Response Techniques & Strategies - Ice & Snow Environments (PDF) (118 pp, 9.7MB) - Carl Oskins, DOWCAR Environmental Management, Inc.

Unique Challenges of Booming Fast Flowing Rivers (PDF) (124 pp, 6.3MB) - Carl Oskins, DOWCAR Environmental Management, Inc.

Burning of Spilled Oil on Wetlands and Inland Waterways (PDF) (55 pp, 9MB) - Al Allen, Spilltec

Voodoo Versus Science: The Practical Application of Bioremediation Techniques as a Removal Response Option at Oil Spill Sites in the Northwestern Pennsylvania Oil Patch (PDF) (72 pp, 9.9MB) - Harry Allen, ERT and Vince Zenone, EPA

Equipment Presentation and Demonstration - Mike Drieu, USCG and Guests (11:00 AM start) [Compass]

12:00 PM - 1:30 PM


Wednesday, April 7, 2004 (Afternoon)

1:30 PM - 3:00 PM Breakout Sessions

Case Studies

Oil in Freshwater Environments

Planning and Preparedness
[Oak Alley]

Response and Prevention Technologies

Little Scioto River Cleanup (PDF) (41 pp, 2.6MB) - Mark Durno, EPA Region 5

Crude Oil Release from an Abandoned Mississippi River Pipeline Crossing (PDF) (57 pp, 8.9MB) - Tim Ganz, Missouri Dept. of Natural Resources

Tranguch Gasoline Site Case Study (PDF) (17 pp, 486K) - Kevin Boyd, USEPA and Robert Gadzinski, PA Dept. of Env. Protection

Determination of Oil Persistence: A Historical Perspective (PDF) (18 pp, 181K) - Kristina Watts and Barbara Davis, EPA Headquarters

Application for EPA Permits to Discharge Oil for Research Purposes (PDF) (20 pp, 74K) - Nick Nichols, EPA Headquarters

Seasonal Increases in Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons into a Small Alaskan Lake Related to Two-Stroke Engine Use (PDF) (24 pp, 1.2MB) - Stanley Rice, National Marine Fisheries Service

Inland Geographic Response Plans (PDF) (18 pp, 1MB) - Rebecca Post, Washington Dept. of Ecology

Twenty Year Trend Analysis of Oil Spills in EPA Jurisdictions (PDF) (22 pp, 180K) - Dr. Dagmar Etkin, Environmental Research Consulting

Oil Spill Preparedness and Response in the Amazon Region (PDF) (57 pp, 3.9MB) – Lessons From Simulations Exercises - Mauricio Taam, Agencia Nacional do Petroleo – ANP

Development of a Water Quality Monitoring and Spill Detection Network on the Allegheny and Monongahela rivers in Western Pennsylvania (PDF) (14 pp, 275K) - Jerry Schulte, ORSANCO

Low-Cost Spill Prevention Alternatives (PDF) (10 pp, 74K) - Doug Mitchell, Progress Fuels Corp.

Using Load Line Containers to Keep Oil Spills off the Ground (PDF) (7 pp, 51K) - Steven Shroyer, Pollution Control Corp.

3:00 PM - 3:30 PM


3:30 PM - 5:00 PM
Breakout Sessions

Case Studies (cont.)

Oil in Freshwater Environments (cont.)

Planning and Preparedness (cont.)
[Oak Alley]

Response and Prevention Technologies (cont.)

Extreme Cold Weather Spill Response Equipment: The Montana Refining Company Example, 2004 (PDF) (19 pp, 565K) - Raimund Hahn, Montana Refining Co.

Detroit River Oil Spill Response (PDF) (25 pp, 4.4MB) - Paul Parete, Environment Canada

From the Marshes to Deepwater, Louisiana's Hydrocarbon Infrastructure is At Risk (PDF) (12 pp, 54K) - Dr. Don Davis, Louisiana Mineral Management Service

Oil Spill Behavior in the Freshwater Environment (PDF) (60 pp, 2.6MB) - A Review - Merv Fingas, Environment Canada

Highlights of Federal Health and Safety Resources available to the Incident Commander from the Federal Response Plan's Emergency Support Function (ESF) # 10 family during a Major Chemical Release/Terrorist Attack (PDF) (1 pg, 29K) - Rod Turpin, EPA Region 2, ERT

Cooperation and Collaboration in the Service of Natural Resource Protection During Pollution Response: Agencies Working Together in Region IX (PDF) (16 pp, 1MB) - Patricia Port, USDOI

The Ohio River Umbrella Plan (PDF) (12 pp, 1MB) - Art Smith, EPA Region 4

Pipeline Release Prevention: A Collection of Best Practices to Prevent Hydrocarbon Releases (PDF) (18 pp, 1MB) - Ed Landgraf, Shell Pipeline Company LP

Fluorometer Aids in Spill Response and Damage Assessment (PDF) (24 pp, 1.8MB) - Rebecca Post, Washington Dept. of Ecology

Thursday, April 8, 2004

8:30 AM - 10:00 PM
Breakout Sessions

Planning and Preparedness (cont.)
[Oak Alley]

Tank Talk

Dispersant Planning Workshop - Nick Nichols,
EPA Headquarters
(8:00 AM start)

Oil and Gas Exploration and Production Projects in the Amazon Region (PDF) (44 pp, 6MB) - Mauricio Taam, Agencia Nacional do Petroleo – ANP

Facility Response Plans (PDF) (44 pp, 1.4MB) - Alexander Tzallas, EPA Region 5

Modeling Oil Spill Response and Damage Costs (PDF) (15 pp, 251K) - Dr. Dagmar Etkin, Environmental Research Consulting

Standard for Inspection of In-Service Shop Fabricated Aboveground Tanks for Storage of Combustible and Flammable Liquid (PDF) (60 pp, 3.5MB) - Wayne Geyer, Steel Tank Institute

Inspection Methodologies for Periodic Inspection of Aboveground Plastic Storage Tanks (PDF) (14 pp, 472K) - John Cornell, Transportation Safety Institute

API 650 External Pressure Design Appendix (PDF) (11 pp, 415K) - John Lieb, Tank Industry Consultants

10:00 AM - 10:30 AM


10:30 AM - 12:00 PM
Breakout Sessions

Planning and Preparedness (cont.)
[Oak Alley]

Tank Talk(cont.)


Analysis of Benefits of EPA Oil Program (PDF) (17 pp, 114K) - Dr. Dagmar Etkin, Environmental Research Consulting

What to Expect During an EPA-led Unannounced PREP Exercise (PDF) (25 pp, 1.9MB) - Patty Fleming, EPA Oil Program Headquarters

Cathodic Protection for On-Grade Storage Tanks and Buried Piping (PDF) (8 pp, 39K) - John Fitzgerald, Corrpro

Updates to API Standards (PDF) (8 pp, 39K) - John Lieb, Tank Industry Consultants

The Impact of Corrosion on Storage Tanks and Piping (PDF) (42 pp, 1.3MB) - Gerry Koch, CC Technologies


12:00 PM

Adjourn (Please turn in your surveys.)

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