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DMEO: Diversity & Inclusion : Federal Women's Program

In October 1967, Executive Order 11375 added sex to other prohibited forms of discrimination in the Federal Government.

In August 1969, Executive Order 11478 integrated the FWP into the overall Equal Employment Opportunity (EEO) Program and placed the FWP under the Directors of Equal Employment Opportunity. Federal Personnel Manual 713 was issued to carry out Executive Order 11478 , and Federal Personnel Manual 713.9, dated May 29, 1970, directed Directors of EEO to have on staff a Manager for the Federal Women's Program.

In March 1972, the Civil Rights Act of 1964 was amended to apply equal opportunity protection in employment to the Federal government. The designation of a Federal Women's Program Manager was codified in the Code of Federal Regulations (29 CFR 1614.102) as appropriate for carrying out equal employment opportunity functions in all organizational units of an agency, and at all agency installations.