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25 Years of EPCRA

The Environmental Protection Agency marks 25 years since the passage of its federal Emergency Planning and Community Right-to-Know Act (EPCRA) as part of the reauthorization for Superfund in 1986. EPCRA has played a significant role in protecting human health and the environment over the last quarter century by providing communities and emergency planners with valuable information on toxic chemical releases in their area.

Public demand for chemical release information skyrocketed in the mid-1980s after a deadly cloud of highly toxic pesticide killed thousands of people in Bhopal, India. Shortly thereafter, a serious chemical release at a plant in West Virginia hospitalized 100 individuals. These events led to the writing and passage of EPCRA by Congress that was signed by President Reagan in October 1986 and implemented in 1987.

The Aftermath of Bhopal
An Overview of EPCRA
Information about the Toxic Release Inventory (TRI)

Explore the EPCRA Timeline

Emergency Planning and Community Right-To-Know Act

EPCRA: What It Means to You (Produced in 1990)

LEPCs: Guarding the Safety of Your Community (Produced in 2002)

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