Head Start's 11th National Research Conference

11th Annual Head Start National Research Conference: Research on Young Children and Families: Effective Practices in an Age of Diversity and Change

June 18, 2012 (All day) to June 20, 2012 (All day)
Grand Hyatt Washington in Washington, DC

Head Start's 11th National Research Conference will be held June 18-20, 2012 at the Grand Hyatt in Washington, D.C. The theme of the 11th Conference is fostering young children's success in learning and coping. Children and families in Head Start reflect the increasing diversity of our nation and the need to understand the nuances of diverse development, including what is universal and what is context-specific. The conference program strives to present culturally sensitive perspectives regarding at-risk populations. Studies involving diverse settings, communities and contexts within multicultural and multi-national frameworks particularly enrich the research base. The 2012 Conference will present the latest work that examines the deeper layers of contexts and processes that foster young children's success.

Please visit the following page for the PDF versions of the attachments for this conference: http://archive.acf.hhs.gov/programs/opre/hsrc/conferences/hsrc11.html

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