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EPA created the National Remedy Review Board (NRRB) in January 1996 as part of a comprehensive package of reforms designed to make the Superfund program faster, fairer, and more efficient. The NRRB is a peer review group that understands both the EPA regional and headquarters perspectives in the remedy selection process. It reviews proposed Superfund cleanup decisions that meet cost-based review criteria to assure they are consistent with Superfund law, regulations, and guidance. The NRRB is composed of managers or senior technical or policy experts from EPA offices important to Superfund remedy selection issues.

EPA believes the NRRB has accomplished a great deal. Its reviews have contributed to a more cost effective, consistent Superfund program, improved the quality of several high-cost cleanup decisions, and contributed to human health and environmental protection. EPA expects these benefits to increase as regions complete their analyses of NRRB comments and issue proposed plans.

  • Review Criteria - Criteria the board uses to determine whether it will review a site
  • Board Members - A list of regional and headquarters representatives serving on the board
  • Site Reviews - List of sites reviewed and the board's recommendations
  • Memoranda - Links to EPA memoranda establishing the board and agreements with other Federal agencies
  • Frequent Questions - A list of frequently asked questions about the board and its processes

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