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Help Improve EPA’s Municipal Solid Waste (MSW) Report

Each year EPA publishes the “Municipal Solid Waste (MSW) in the United States” characterization report, which provides the most recent available data on annual US waste generation, recycling, and disposal. We want to know how stakeholders are using the report and how the report could be improved. This information will be used to develop new measurement definitions and measurement protocols, and may lead to the addition of new materials to future reports. To learn more, including how to submit comments, please visit Regulations.gov. All comments must be received by 4:30 pm Eastern Time, September 30, 2011.

Seeking Public Comments on Federal Electronics Stewardship

EPA, the General Services Administration, and the White House Council on Environmental Quality are requesting written comments to inform the national framework for electronics stewardship that is being developed by the Interagency Task Force on Electronics Stewardship. On November 15, 2010, President Obama signed a presidential proclamation celebrating the strides the country has made in recycling while also highlighting the need for greater attention on electronic waste management throughout the product lifecycle. Council on Environmental Quality (CEQ) Chair Nancy Sutley established an interagency task force to provide a national strategy and recommendations for areas of Federal agency operational and managerial improvement associated with electronics stewardship.

All comments must be received on or before March 16, 2011. To learn more, including how to submit comments, please visit: www.epa.gov/wastes/conserve/materials/ecycling/taskforce/.

To the Public Hearings and Back

Public Hearing - Panel and Audience

Public Hearing - Panel and Audience

Over the past two months, we’ve travelled across the country to hold eight public hearings on the proposed Coal Combustion Residuals rule. We’ve heard compelling stories from people of all walks of life; stories about their families, their communities, and their businesses. Some brought notes scribbled on index cards; others had typed letters, poster boards, and props. Many took off from work, driving hours away from their homes. Some groups organized rallies and bussed members from several states away; we saw more than one person who attended and testified at every public hearing. National and local media came to the public hearings and conducted interviews throughout, bringing individual stories into the public light. Students from nearby colleges and universities came out in throngs, eager to participate, and even more so to learn about citizen participation and the rule-making process.

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Let the Games Begin! WasteWise Launches EPA Game Day Challenge

Football Stadium
College football season is here, and EPA is kicking rivalries up a notch by launching the WasteWise Game Day Challenge. Colleges and Universities can register Exit EPA by September 30, 2010 to see which school can divert the most amount of waste from going into landfills at a home game in October. Winners will be announced in November. Schools can win in several categories: Least amount of waste generated per attendee, greatest greenhouse gas reductions, highest recycling rate, highest organics reduction rate (i.e., food donation and composting), and highest combined recycling and composting rate. More information.

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