Foreign Service Institute

The Foreign Service Institute (FSI) is the Federal Government's primary training institution for officers and support personnel of the U.S. foreign affairs community, preparing American diplomats and other professionals to advance U.S. foreign affairs interests overseas and in Washington. At the George P. Shultz National Foreign Affairs Training Center, the FSI provides more than 600 courses—including some 70 foreign languages—to more than 100,000 enrollees a year from the State Department and more than 40 other government agencies and the military service branches.

The Institute's programs include training for the professional development of Foreign Service administrative, consular, economic/commercial, political, and public diplomacy officers; for specialists in the fields of information management, office management, security, and medical practitioners and nurses; for Foreign Service Nationals who work at U.S. posts around the world; and for Civil Service employees of the State Department and other agencies. Ranging in length from one day to two years, courses are designed to promote successful performance in each professional assignment, to ease the adjustment to other countries and cultures, and to enhance the leadership and management capabilities of the U.S. foreign affairs community.

Other courses and services help family members prepare for the demands of a mobile lifestyle and living abroad, and provide employees and their families with important information about such critical and timely topics as emergency preparedness and cyber security awareness, among others.

FSI Background Info
The Foreign Service Institute is organized like a university and consists of five schools:

  • The School of Language Studies
  • The School of Applied Information Technology
  • The School of Leadership and Management
  • The School of Professional and Area Studies
  • The Transition Center 

If you want to view driving or METRO directions to FSI, click here.

If you are interested in a career in the Foreign Service, or want to know more about the training that new officers enjoy, check out the Department's career resource,

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