City-Based Charter School Efforts: A Growing Movement

Education reform leaders gathered in New Orleans last month for a one-day National Charter School Resource Center (Resource Center) conference titled "Transforming Urban Public Education: Exploring the Potential of City-Based Strategies."  The conference focused on building charter school support infrastructures that effectively coordinate stakeholders' activities, drive growth in high-quality charter schools, and foster the policy environment that facilitates the work.

The Resource Center, which is supported by the Office of Innovation and Improvement, sponsored the event and reports on the highlights of the conference in the May issue of its e-newsletter. The highlights include the development and operation of charter support groups in New York City, New Orleans, Tennessee, California, and Colorado; the operation and interaction of state and city organizations; and the roles of funders. The conference agenda, as well as links to specific conference presentations, can be found on the Resource Center's Events page.

The National Charter School Resource Center provides on-demand resources, information, and technical assistance to support successful planning, authorizing, implementation, and sustainability of high-quality charter schools; to share evaluations on the effects of charter schools; and to disseminate information about successful practices in charter schools. To receive the Resource Center’s e-newsletter, subscribe here.

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