U.S. Department of Justice

Corrections Technology Association

Publication year: 2012 | Cataloged on: May. 10, 2012

Library ID

  • 025783

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  • 2012

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Thumbnail preview ANNOTATION: “The Corrections Technology Association (CTA) is a public, non-profit network of professionals actively involved in leveraging technology in the field of Corrections … Since 1999 CTA has provided a forum to promote exchange of information, experience and knowledge among correctional agencies.” Points of entry include, about CTA, annual meeting, publications, partners, contact information, and blog. What is of particular interest is copies of slides presented at past annual meetings. Themes of past meetings include: Global Corrections—Beyond the Barriers; Navigating the New Corrections Landscape; Ascending the Peaks of Technology Together; Protecting Our Most Vulnerable through Innovative Technology; Convergence, Transformation, and Accountability in Corrections; Coping with Calamity; and Taking IT to the Next Level.

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