U.S. Department of Justice

Still Voteless and Voiceless in Florida: Florida's Continuing Disfranchisement Crisis

Publication year: 2009 | Cataloged on: Mar. 31, 2009

Library ID

  • 023640


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  • 2009
  • 16 pages.

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  • Still Voteless and Voiceless in Florida: Florida's Continuing Disfranchisement Crisis

ANNOTATION: Problems with Florida's restoration of civil rights (RCR) process are described. Sections in addition to an executive summary include: felony disfranchisement in Florida; The ACLU Survey; results for county election employees confusion regarding disfranchising offenses and requirements for RCR, imposition of unnecessary documentation requirements for voter registration, misunderstanding RCR, and voter purging; and six recommendations for addressing felony disfranchisement.

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