U.S. Department of Justice

Fees Paid by Jail Inmates: Fee Categories, Revenues, and Management Perspectives in a Sample of U.S. Jails

Publication year: 2005 | Cataloged on: Oct. 31, 2006

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  • Fees Paid by Jail Inmates: Fee Categories, Revenues, and Management Perspectives in a Sample of U.S. Jails

Thumbnail preview ANNOTATION: Information regarding fees collected by U.S. jails for program participation and non-program services is presented. For each category of inmate fee, "a summary of the data on the extent to which responding agencies are collecting fees in the category, the number of agencies considering collecting fees in the category, and the total revenues reported by all respondents to this survey" is provided (p. 4). The most effective fee according to jail managers was the work release fee. The least effective fees were medical fees (which were also considered one of the most effective fees).

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