U.S. Department of Justice

The History of Bail and Pretrial Release

Publication year: 2010 | Cataloged on: Oct. 28, 2010

Library ID

  • 024713

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  • 2010
  • 27 pages

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ANNOTATION: The “following history of bail suggests that as our ability to predict a defendant’s pretrial conduct becomes more accurate, our need for reforming how bail is administered will initially be great, and then should diminish over time” (p. 1.) Sections of this report are: introduction; Anglo-Saxon roots; the Norman Conquest to 1700; bail in the U.S.; the practical administration of bail in England and America; the rise of commercial money bail bondsman; Stack v. Boyle and Carlson V. Landon; empirical studies and the Manhattan Bail Project; rising dissatisfaction with compensated sureties; the National Conference on Bail and Criminal Justice; 1960s bail reform; professional standards; bail reform through the 1970s; the Bail Reform Act of 1984; jail crowding; money bail bondsmen v. pretrial series agencies; 2009-2010 developments; and conclusion.

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