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Curriculum Materials

Assessment results help prepare and facilitate the design of learning activities that will meet the needs of individual children as well as the entire classroom. The LAP System includes curriculum guides and activity cards for infants, toddlers, and preschool-age children that correlate with the LAP assessment instruments. Activities can be linked to emerging skills identified during the assessment process to facilitate a child’s developmental progress. Order online.

Planning and Curriculum Guides

  • Planning for Success is a 196-page teacher’s guide for developing an individualized Pre-K curriculum. Order online.
  • A Planning Guide to the Preschool Curriculum, contains 36 thematic units that include activities in areas such as art, blocks, cognitive, dramatic play, fine motor, gross motor, group play, language, library, nutrition/snack, science/discovery, self-help, and social/emotional development. Order online.
  • The Infant-Toddler Planning Guide, provides hundreds of activities to stimulate infant and toddler development through routine and planned activities.Order online.
  • Activity cards for each item on the Early LAP, LAP-3, and LAP-D. Order from Kaplan.
  • Teaching posters to stimulate language development for preschool-aged children are also available. Order from Kaplan.

Children with Disabilities

All LAP System materials are designed to support the inclusion of children with disabilities and developmental delays in early childhood settings. In addition, a publication entitled, Inclusive Preschool Environments: Strategies for Planning, is available to assist preschool teachers in designing inclusive environments and activities. Information about typical and atypical development, inclusive teaching methods that encourage active child participation, and strategies for integrating individual goals and objectives into daily classroom planning are contained in this publication.<Back to top>

Parent Involvement

Involving parents in the learning process is critical to the success of any early childhood program. The LAP assessment instruments provide information for teachers to share with parents that is accurate and easily understood. Parents are often encouraged to be present while their child is being assessed, and their suggestions and input are valued as part of the assessment process. To reinforce learning activities in the home, the LAP System includes:

  • Summary reports that identify emerging skills for each LAP assessment instruments
  • Homestretch, a book of fun and meaningful activities for parents to use at home that correlate with the 36 thematic units in A Planning Guide to the Preschool Curriculum.
    Order online.


Without effective transition strategies, gains made by children in one setting may be lost when they transition to the next placement. The LAP System can be used to support important transitions for young children such as moving from infant and toddler settings to preschool, or from preschool to public school kindergarten. For example, Smooth Moves to Kindergarten includes strategies for program administrators and teachers, community leaders, and parents to use in helping children, including those with disabilities, make the move from preschool to public school kindergarten.

Program Evaluation

To ensure the delivery of high quality services, early childhood programs need instruments that test the effectiveness of service delivery. They want to know if the children in their care are progressing appropriately. With outcome statements embedded in the LAP assessment instruments, early childhood educators need only administer one of the assessment at the beginning, middle, and end of the program year to track child progress and monitor program and curriculum effectiveness. Also, LAP software generates reports for classrooms, schools, and educations systems to help examine program quality.

To purchase LAP products and training, please contact our publishing partners:

Drug awareness for four-year-olds. Click here.

For a complete list of CHTOP curriculum guides, click here:


� Copyright 2007 CHTOP, Inc., 800 Eastowne Drive, Suite 105, Chapel Hill, North Carolina 27514