U.S. Department of Justice

Standards and Guidelines for the Assessment, Evaluation, Treatment and Behavioral Monitoring of Adult Sex Offenders. Rev. [ed.]

Publication year: 2008 | Cataloged on: May. 29, 2008

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  • Standards and Guidelines for the Assessment, Evaluation, Treatment and Behavioral Monitoring of Adult Sex Offenders

ANNOTATION: These standards are “designed to establish a basis for systematic management and treatment of adult sex offenders” (p.3). Sections of this manual are: introduction; guiding principles; the role of victims\survivors in sex offender treatment; definitions; guidelines for pre-sentence investigations; standards for sex offense-specific evaluations; standards of practice for treatment providers; qualifications of treatment providers, evaluators, and polygraph examiners working with adult sex offenders; standards and guidelines for management of sex offenders in probation, parole, and community corrections; standards of practice for post-conviction sex offender polygraph testing; standards for plethysmography; denial of placement on Provider List; continuity of information; recommendations for management and information sharing on alleged sex offenders prior to conviction; Risk Assessment; The Use of Physiological Measurements; Plethysmograph Examination; Research Supporting Restricted Contact with Children--June 2004; Parental Risk Assessment’s Decision Flow Chart; Special Populations; Sex Offender Management Board Administrative Policies February 200; and Lifetime Supervision Criteria.

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