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BeesBee Killer Hunted by Scientists
(6 minutes)

ARS researchers Jeff Pettis and Jay Evans at the ARS Bee Research Laboratory in Maryland explain some of the tactics that agency scientists have been using to try to develop a scientific understanding of colony collapse disorder. The disorder, whose cause is not yet known, is blamed for mysterious disappearances of many U.S. bee colonies. (© 2007 Discovery Communications. Used by permission. Not distributed by ARS.)

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For more information about scientific efforts to understand CCD:

  • View the national research action plan for colony collapse disorder.
  • Listen to "Disappearing Honeybees," a May 10, 2007, broadcast of National Public Radio featuring Kevin Hackett, ARS National Program Leader for Biological Control
  • View the ARS-produced video, "Colony Collapse Disorder."



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Last Modified: 09/04/2007
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