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FHWA Directives and Memorandums

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A directive is a written communication that prescribes or establishes policy, organization, methods, procedures, requirements, guidelines, or delegations of authority. It also provides information essential to the administration or operation of the FHWA. All directives are written in plain language according to the general writing and formatting guidelines in the FHWA Directives Guide.

Click on the links to the left to access the individual categories of FHWA directives and memorandums.

CONTACT: For Directives questions, contact Robert Chao, robert.chao@dot.gov. For other questions, please contact the appropriate person indicated on the feedback page.

NOTE: All references to the former regions and regional offices in existing FHWA directives and other issuances are superseded by appropriate reference to the new field organizational structure pending the eventual revision of those issuances.

Although we make every effort to assure that the information we provide is complete and accurate, it is not intended to take the place of published agency regulations. Regulations issued by the U.S. Department of Transportation and its Operating Administrations are published in the Federal Register and compiled in the U.S. Code of Federal Regulations (CFR).

FHWA Nonprocurement Suspension and Debarment Notices are now available at GSA Excluded Parties List System website.

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