Table 5.—Current-Dollar Cost Per Unit of Real Gross Product Originating by Private Industry Group, 1977-96


1977 1978 1979 1980 1981 1982 1983 1984 1985 1986 1987 1988 1989 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996
Total 0.483 0.527 0.569 0.620 0.680 0.721 0.746 0.774 0.793 0.818 0.844 0.869 0.904 0.944 0.977 1.000 1.025 1.043 1.064 1.090
Compensation of employees .262 .288 .315 .346 .372 .397 .405 .413 .425 .442 .458 .470 .486 .511 .528 .543 .556 .559 .570 .581
Indirect business tax and nontax liability .047 .048 .049 .055 .063 .066 .070 .071 .073 .074 .076 .076 .080 .085 .092 .095 .097 .099 .098 .098
Property-type income .174 .192 .205 .219 .245 .258 .270 .289 .296 .301 .310 .323 .338 .348 .357 .362 .371 .386 .396 .410
Agriculture, forestry, and fishing .885 1.069 1.156 1.060 1.048 .962 1.077 1.075 .930 .909 .946 1.046 1.115 1.095 1.017 1.000 1.037 1.001 .997 1.162
Compensation of employees .184 .212 .217 .241 .203 .213 .298 .237 .216 .222 .230 .286 .287 .304 .299 .273 .321 .292 .332 .355
Indirect business tax and nontax liability .051 .053 .054 .055 .049 .044 .067 .049 .044 .045 .048 .055 .055 .056 .056 .053 .058 .054 .062 .063
Property-type income .650 .804 .884 .764 .796 .704 .712 .789 .669 .642 .667 .704 .773 .735 .661 .674 .658 .655 .603 .745
Mining .657 .727 .968 1.375 1.864 1.898 1.731 1.637 1.524 1.033 1.023 .957 1.037 1.159 1.037 1.000 .981 .925 .921 1.115
Compensation of employees .206 .238 .327 .356 .447 .486 .463 .439 .406 .371 .343 .292 .324 .333 .340 .353 .335 .318 .304 .330
Indirect business tax and nontax liability .057 .061 .086 .208 .430 .351 .287 .246 .193 .124 .109 .090 .107 .112 .114 .116 .110 .102 .092 .112
Property-type income .394 .429 .555 .810 .987 1.061 .982 .952 .925 .538 .570 .574 .607 .715 .584 .531 .536 .505 .526 .672
Construction .439 .500 .548 .599 .663 .751 .767 .786 .797 .867 .906 .938 .962 .991 .999 1.000 1.035 1.076 1.127 1.158
Compensation of employees .303 .344 .386 .428 .489 .545 .543 .535 .538 .569 .604 .631 .652 .687 .698 .691 .705 .729 .762 .792
Indirect business tax and nontax liability .009 .010 .010 .011 .011 .014 .017 .015 .014 .015 .016 .017 .018 .019 .020 .022 .023 .023 .023 .024
Property-type income .127 .147 .152 .160 .163 .193 .207 .235 .245 .283 .285 .289 .291 .285 .281 .287 .307 .324 .341 .343
Manufacturing .581 .618 .661 .710 .759 .802 .806 .823 .822 .861 .854 .874 .916 .946 .979 1.000 1.014 1.019 1.010 1.006
Compensation of employees .407 .437 .473 .530 .555 .590 .578 .576 .586 .607 .585 .585 .609 .633 .663 .680 .684 .664 .641 .634
Indirect business tax and nontax liability .024 .023 .023 .025 .027 .028 .031 .030 .030 .033 .030 .029 .031 .034 .040 .042 .042 .040 .039 .038
Property-type income .149 .158 .165 .155 .177 .184 .196 .217 .206 .221 .239 .260 .277 .280 .276 .278 .288 .316 .330 .334
Durable goods .638 .686 .730 .773 .828 .882 .886 .900 .892 .923 .909 .904 .938 .954 .983 1.000 1.012 1.012 .980 .954
Compensation of employees .475 .510 .565 .624 .656 .705 .692 .667 .685 .708 .678 .666 .690 .712 .749 .766 .755 .725 .691 .664
Indirect business tax and nontax liability .015 .014 .015 .016 .017 .019 .018 .017 .018 .019 .019 .018 .020 .022 .025 .026 .026 .024 .024 .023
Property-type income .148 .163 .150 .134 .155 .158 .177 .216 .190 .196 .211 .220 .227 .220 .209 .208 .231 .262 .265 .267
Nondurable goods .511 .535 .576 .634 .676 .705 .708 .730 .737 .785 .786 .838 .890 .937 .974 1.000 1.017 1.029 1.048 1.078
Compensation of employees .325 .347 .361 .416 .433 .456 .448 .466 .466 .486 .473 .485 .508 .535 .561 .580 .597 .585 .574 .588
Indirect business tax and nontax liability .035 .035 .033 .037 .038 .039 .045 .045 .045 .049 .043 .042 .045 .049 .058 .060 .062 .059 .058 .060
Property-type income .151 .153 .182 .181 .204 .210 .214 .219 .226 .250 .271 .311 .338 .353 .355 .360 .359 .384 .416 .430
Transportation and public utilities .516 .557 .578 .629 .706 .772 .810 .848 .888 .934 .926 .947 .971 .981 .998 1.000 1.018 1.025 1.048 1.060
Compensation of employees .264 .286 .309 .334 .362 .396 .385 .395 .413 .431 .423 .427 .439 .451 .448 .454 .455 .455 .466 .471
Indirect business tax and nontax liability .054 .054 .053 .056 .060 .067 .074 .077 .082 .086 .084 .087 .091 .095 .099 .101 .101 .104 .104 .098
Property-type income .199 .218 .216 .239 .284 .308 .351 .376 .393 .417 .420 .433 .441 .435 .451 .445 .462 .467 .478 .490
Wholesale trade .708 .747 .799 .864 .897 .891 .911 .922 .942 .881 .932 .978 .973 1.019 1.018 1.000 1.016 1.043 1.059 1.047
Compensation of employees .378 .407 .440 .493 .514 .527 .535 .523 .538 .507 .561 .579 .582 .618 .597 .588 .588 .579 .604 .587
Indirect business tax and nontax liability .160 .160 .156 .158 .159 .159 .185 .189 .192 .182 .203 .216 .210 .224 .232 .227 .238 .248 .242 .235
Property-type income .170 .180 .203 .213 .224 .204 .191 .209 .212 .193 .167 .184 .180 .177 .189 .185 .191 .216 .214 .226
Retail trade .522 .553 .602 .657 .700 .743 .762 .779 .795 .788 .856 .854 .886 .922 .969 1.000 1.012 1.024 1.024 1.030
Compensation of employees .316 .336 .372 .417 .438 .457 .454 .457 .462 .466 .515 .523 .534 .564 .590 .610 .609 .608 .615 .617
Indirect business tax and nontax liability .080 .087 .096 .106 .111 .119 .123 .129 .134 .135 .150 .147 .155 .166 .175 .185 .188 .189 .193 .194
Property-type income .127 .130 .133 .134 .151 .166 .185 .192 .200 .187 .190 .184 .197 .192 .204 .206 .215 .226 .216 .219
Finance, insurance, and real estate .382 .417 .446 .485 .536 .575 .628 .662 .713 .785 .817 .834 .871 .923 .978 1.000 1.037 1.059 1.106 1.151
Compensation of employees .086 .093 .100 .110 .121 .134 .146 .154 .168 .191 .203 .209 .210 .221 .231 .242 .256 .259 .264 .278
Indirect business tax and nontax liability .068 .067 .067 .072 .080 .089 .093 .098 .104 .112 .114 .112 .119 .127 .140 .142 .146 .148 .147 .151
Property-type income .228 .257 .279 .302 .334 .352 .388 .410 .441 .482 .500 .513 .541 .575 .607 .616 .636 .651 .695 .722
Services .359 .388 .423 .465 .514 .563 .604 .641 .675 .714 .753 .799 .840 .896 .943 1.000 1.036 1.075 1.109 1.146
Compensation of employees .236 .258 .286 .319 .357 .393 .422 .444 .465 .492 .529 .558 .589 .636 .673 .716 .749 .773 .810 .838
Indirect business tax and nontax liability .009 .010 .010 .011 .012 .013 .015 .016 .017 .019 .019 .020 .021 .022 .023 .025 .027 .028 .029 .029
Property-type income .114 .120 .127 .135 .144 .157 .168 .181 .193 .204 .205 .221 .231 .239 .247 .259 .260 .274 .271 .279

NOTES.—Current-dollar cost per unit of real gross product originating (GPO) equals the GPO price index divided by 100.

Estimates for 1977-86 are shown on the basis of the 1972 Standard Industrial Classification (SIC). Estimates for 1987-96 are shown on the basis of the 1987 SIC.