OSERS: Office of Special Education and Rehabilitative Services
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NIDRR's Sitemap: A Brief Guide to Finding Your Way Around the NIDRR/OSERS Website


Since NIDRR is part of the U.S. Department of Education and is one small agency under the Office of Special Education and Rehabilitation Services, we realize it can be very difficult to find the information you seek. The explanation and links that follow should make it easier to locate and retrieve needed information about NIDRR

To find NIDRR-related information on, think of two main doorways or portals that you must go through to access the information you want. Click on the appropriate link to learn more.

Doorway to Office Information

The first major doorway to NIDRR information leads to NIDRR Office Information. It is the default doorway when you arrive at NIDRR's main page located at A link to the NIDRR Office Doorway can be found on the top left corner of every Office Page.

It may be helpful to break the address into its component parts:

The " part tells you it is the main ED Website

The "/about/offices/list/osers/nidrr/index.html" portion of the web address provides a lot of information.

The "/about/offices/list" part tells you that you are going to learn something about the offices of ED.

The "/osers/nidrr/" part tells you that we are referring to "osers" or the Office of Special Education and Rehabilitative Services and then to "nidrr" which is a sub-office in OSERS.

The "index.html" that follows the "/nidrr/ is the filename, and filenames give you a clue as to what the page is about.

The navigational menus at the top of all of NIDRR's Office pages (called bubbles) contain items that relate to the main office to which NIDRR belongs; that is, the Office of Special Education and Rehabilitation Services. These bubbles are important if you want to learn about OSERS but not too important if you want to learn about us—The National Institute on Disability and Rehabilitation Research or (NIDRR).

If you want to learn about the contents of NIDRR's website, pay attention to the text-based navigation links at the bottom of each Office page; they give you clues as to what each NIDRR page is about. What follow is an item-by-item explanation of the content behind the links

  • About NIDRR: This page provides background on what NIDRR is and some of its history.

  • What's New in NIDRR: This page lists the latest news or happenings at NIDRR

  • People and Offices: This page lists the main people in charge of NIDRR by position and Division

  • Programs and Projects: This page is NIDRR's Central Program Information Page.

  • Grants and Funding: This page contains links that cross-reference with the Applicant Info Page, the Awards' Page, and the Funding Status Page, on the program side of the website. It also contains a link to the "Donate Your Brain to Science" or Become a Peer Reviewer for NIDRR Page

  • Legislation and Policy: This page is NIDRR's Legislation and Policy home. It is your starting point for information on law, regulations, and planning documents that apply to NIDRR.

    You may also wish to check out the Laws, Regs & Guidance page that is cross-referenced to the program side of the website.

  • Publications and Products: This page, points to the research section of the OSERS/NIDRR website and contains information on the types of outputs our grantees produce as well as links to our performance page on the program side of the website.

  • Research and Statistics: This page points to the research section of the OSERS/NIDRR website and contains information on grantees or organizations that deal with disability statistics in some way.

  • Additional Resources: This page also points to the research of the OSERS/NIDRR website and contains a list of additional resources that relate to disability.

  • Contact and Feedback: This page provides information on NIDRR's mailing physical address, mailing address, telephone numbers, and email address. Use this page to contact us.

  • FAQs: This is NIDRR's frequently-asked questions page that shows the general questions we get asked, and answers we provide. If you cannot find what you are looking for on our website, check out this page often because the answer you seek may be waiting to be read. We make every effort to update this page as often as possible with new questions that come from our various constituencies.
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Doorway to Program Information

The second major doorway to NIDRR information leads to NIDRR Program Information and contains information on NIDRR programs that are part of the Department-wide Guide to Education Programs (GTEP) The entrance is located at A link to this entrance is at the top right of each Office Page.

It may be helpful to break the address into its component parts:

The " part tells you it is the main ED Website

The "/programs/" part of the web address tells you that you are going to learn about programs.

The "/nidrr" part tells you that you are at the master nidrr program folder.

The "index.html" part that follows the "/nidrr/ is the filename inside the nidrr program folder; there are ten filenames inside the nidrr program folder. Each filename gives you access to a different type of program information.

The purple navigational menus at the top of all of NIDRR's/OSERS Program pages (called bubbles) contain the clickable links to the ten filenames inside the master nidrr program folder. What follows is a description of the contents of each of the filenames in the purple bubble.

  • Purpose: This page contains a description of NIDRR's overall purpose and links to descriptions of NIDRR programs as well as links to the types of projects contained under each program.

  • Eligibility: This page contains links to eligibility requirements for each of NIDRR's programs or funding mechanisms.

  • Applicant Info: This page contains all the information you need if you want to apply for a grant under one of NIDRR's program/funding mechanisms.

  • Awards: This page contains links to newly-funded, currently-funded or de-funded grants for each of NIDRR's programs. All information comes from NIDRR's Online Project Directory, maintained by the National Rehabilitation Information Center under contract for NIDRR.

  • Performance: NIDRR assesses its performance, and the performance of its grantees, across program mechanisms. Therefore, this page contains all the information you would every want to know about performance and results.

  • Funding Status: This page contains links to funding tables for each NIDRR program

  • Laws, Regs, & Guidance: This page contains links to the main laws and regulations for each NIDRR program.

  • Resources: This page contains resources related to each NIDRR program or funding mechanism. Currently, each program-specific resource page has two sections: a publications' section and an other resources' section.

  • FAQs: This page contains links to most frequently-asked questions we receive by program. If you cannot find some informaton you need, it is always a good idea to look here.

  • Contacts: This page contains key NIDRR staff contact information for each of NIDRR's programs.

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Last Modified: 05/31/2012