OSERS: Office of Special Education and Rehabilitative Services
   Current Section

What's New in NIDRR

new bullet Participate in this Free Informational Webinar about NIDRR's New Proposed NIDRR Long-Range Plan for Fiscal Years 2013-2017



  • K. Charlie Lakin, Director
  • Ruth Brannon, Director, Research Sciences Division


  • Provide a brief overview of the Plan
  • Offer information about the comment solicitation process
  • Engage in an extended question/answer session with participants

To Participate:


If you prefer to dial in by phone, use the following phone number and access code for either webinar:

Phone Number: 1-714-551-0010
Toll Free
: 1-877-739-5903
Access Code: 276-205-445

Questions: Please email: Ashley Jacoby

Read the Plan:


  • You may submit comments through June 18, 2012.

(May 10, 2012)

blue flag bullet NAS Evaluates NIDRR Grant Processes and Products

The National Academy of Sciences (NAS) evaluates the grant processes and products of the National Institute on Disability and Rehabilitation Research (NIDRR). Various formative and summative evaluation approaches have been used to assess the quality of the performance and results of the agency's research portfolio and its grantees. Prompted by the need to provide more data on its program results, in 2009 NIDRR requested that the National Research Council (NRC) conduct an external evaluation of some of the agency's key processes and assess the quality of outputs produced by NIDRR grantees.

(February 13, 2012)

blue flag bullet NIDRR Welcomes New Director, Dr. Charlie Lakin

Charlie Larkin will help lead NIDRR in its work to generate new knowledge to maximize the full inclusion, social integration, employment, and independent living of individuals of all ages with disabilities, through research in employment; participation and community living; health and function; and technology. As the NIDRR Director, Larkin will also chair the Interagency Committee on Disability Research.

(February 13, 2012)

blue flag bullet Department Awards $1.2 million to 11 Small Businesses to Develop Technology for People with Disabilities

The U.S. Department of Education announced today that the National Institute on Disability and Rehabilitation Research (NIDRR) has awarded 16 grants of $75,000 each to 11 small businesses to conduct research and develop technology that makes life and learning easier for individuals with disabilities.

For instance, one grantee will develop a low-cost computer graphics screen-reader for the vision-impaired; another will develop and evaluate an accident prevention system for manual wheelchairs; and another will design and develop a foot-operated mouse for computers.

“These projects are designed to help people with disabilities maximize their job productivity and economic self-sufficiency,” said Alexa Posny, assistant secretary for the Office of Special Education and Rehabilitative Services (OSERS). “This is the first step of research and development in several areas that will enhance independent living and employment for individuals with disabilities.”

For more information, please go to the department's press release.

(August 8, 2011)

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Last Modified: 05/31/2012