U.S. Department of Justice

Legislative Trends in Sex Offender Management

Publication year: 2008 | Cataloged on: Jan. 22, 2009

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ANNOTATION: This report is "an overview of legislative trends pertaining to sex offender management, the intended objectives of such laws, and key research regarding the impact of these policy initiatives" (p. 2) Sections contained in this report include: introduction; sex offender management is a top public policy priority in the U.S.; top ten (10) policy issues facing state legislators; sex offender-specific laws address multiple interests; sexually violent predator (SVP) civil commitment laws; mandatory minimum sentences; laws designed to manage risk in the community; the evolving nature of registration and notification laws; research on the impact and effectiveness of sex offender-specific laws; collateral consequences associated with sex offender-specific laws may be a function of interacting influences; taking pause and moving forward; summary of key sex offender-specific legislative trends; risk-based sex offender management policies maximize public safety outcomes and resources; and conclusion.

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