U.S. Department of Justice

Moving Toward a More Integrative Approach to Justice Reform

Publication year: 2008 | Cataloged on: Apr. 18, 2008

Library ID

  • 023008

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  • 2008
  • 75 pages.

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  • Moving Toward a More Integrative Approach to Justice Reform

ANNOTATION: “This report presents a vision of an integrated approach to justice reform -- an approach that utilizes multi-disciplinary collaboration to share perspective on the issues that fuel the cycle of incarceration, to promote public investments in effective intervention strategies, and to advance public safety by decreasing the likelihood that a person will engage in risky or criminal behavior, instead of building more prisons and jails” (p. 2). Sections following an executive summary include: introduction; America’s cycle of incarceration -- what it looks like, who it impacts, and what fuels it; understanding risk factors for delinquent behavior and criminal conduct; decreasing the risk of delinquent behavior and criminal conduct -- intervening early to promote protective factors and build resilience; integrative approaches to justice reform -- identifying opportunities and overcoming challenges; and moving forward -- recommendations and conclusion.

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