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Tools of Trade Painting

Horticulture and Gardening

Science Reference Section
Science, Technology & Business Division
Library of Congress

"Tools of the Trade"
Painting by Matthew Evans
Photo by Andrew Pribulka

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Children's Gardens: A Guide to Selected Resources - Science Reference Guide

"Color in the Herb Garden" - A webcast with Jim Adams, curator of the National Herb Garden at the National Arboretum.

"Herbs in the Garden" - A webcast with Holly Shimizu, the executive director of the United States Botanic Garden.

Container Gardening: A Short Guide to Selected Resources - Science Reference Guide

Fragrant Gardens: A Guide to Selected Resources - Science Reference Guide

Gardening - Selected Internet Resources

Gardening - Science Tracer Bullet

Gardening in the Shade - A Guide to Selected Resources - Science Reference Guide

Gardening: Selected Exhibit Reading List - Science Reference Guide

Green Roofs - Science Tracer Bullet

"Insects and Gardens: In Pursuit of a Garden Ecology"
A Webcast with Dr. Eric Grissell.

Kitchen Gardens -- Science Tracer Bullet

Landscape Renovation -- James Madison Building

School Gardening: A Guide to Selected Resources

School Gardening Activities: A Guide to Selected Resources

Selected Internet Resources -- Cherry Blossoms

Selected Titles on Specialized Gardens: Fragrant Gardens, Sanctuary Gardens and Evening Gardens


flower photos

Photos courtesy of V. Cavallo

"A Tale of Two Gardens" - Dr. James A. Duke. A Webcast with the noted ethnobotanist, expert on medicinal plants, and author.

Winter Gardening -- Science Reference Guide

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   August 23, 2010
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