Appendix D
Human Genome Project and Genetics on the WWW
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    The World Wide Web offers the easiest path to information about the Human Genome Project and related genetics topics. Some useful sites to visit are included in the list below. 

    Human Genome Project  

    DOE Human Genome Program 
      Devoted to the DOE component of the U.S. Human Genome Project and to the DOE Microbial Genome Program. Links to many other sites. 
    Human Genome Project Information 
      Comprehensive site covering topics related to the U.S. and worldwide Human Genome Projects. Useful for updating scientists and providing educational material for nonscientists, in support of DOE's commitment to public education. Developed and maintained for DOE by the Human Genome Management Information System (HGMIS) at Oak Ridge National Laboratory. 
    NIH National Human Genome Research Institute  DOE Human Genome Program Publications 

    Human Genome News 

    Biological Sciences Curriculum Study (BSCS) Teaching Modules 
      Online versions in preparation; hardcopies available from 719/531-5550 


        · "Genes, Environment, and Human Behavior," tentative title, in preparation 

        · "Mapping and Sequencing the Human Genome: Science, Ethics, and Public Policy" (1992) 

        · "The Human Genome Project: Biology, Computers, and Privacy" (1996) 

        · "The Puzzle of Inheritance: Genetics and the Methods of Science" (1997) 

    Primer on Molecular Genetics, 1992  To Know Ourselves, 1996 
      Booklet reviewing DOE's role, history, and achievements in the Human Genome Project and introducing the science and other aspects of the project. Print copy available from HGMIS
    Ethical, Legal, and Social Issues Related to Genetics Research  

    HGMIS Gateways Web page 

    Center for Bioethics, University of Pennsylvania  Courts and Science On-Line Magazine (CASOLM)  ELSI in Science  Eubios Ethics Institute  Genetic Privacy Act  MCET The Human Genome Project 
      ELSI issues for high school students. 
    National Bioethics Advisory Committee 
      The bioethics committee offers advice to the National Science and Technology Council and others on bioethical issues arising from research related to human biology and behavior. 
    National Center for Genomic Resources 
      Comprehensive Genetics and Public Issues page; includes congressional bills related to genetic privacy. 
    The Gene Letter 
      Bimonthly newsletter to inform consumers and professionals about advances in genetics and encourage discussion about emerging policy dilemmas. 
    Your Genes, Your Choices  
      Booklet written in simple English, describing the Human Genome Project; the science behind it; and how ethical, legal, and social issues raised by the project may affect people's everyday lives. 

    General Genetics and Biotechnology 

    Many of the following sites contain links to both educational and technical material. 

    HGMIS Community Education and Outreach Gateways Web Page 

    Access Excellence  
      Extensive genetic and biotechnology resources for teachers and nonscientists. 
    BIO Online (Biotechnology Industry Organization)  BioTech 
      An interactive educational resource and biotech reference tool; includes a dictionary of 6000 life science terms. 
    Biotechnology Information Center, USDA National Agricultural Library  Bugs 'N Stuff 
      List of microbial genomes being sequenced, research groups, genome sizes, and facts about selected organisms. Links to related sites. 
    Careers in Genetics  Carolina Biological Supply Company 
      Teaching materials for all levels. Includes mini-lessons on selected scientific topics, two online magazines, What's New, software, catalogs, and publications. 
    Cell & Molecular Biology Online 
      Links to electronic publications, current research, educational and career resources, and more. 
    CERN Virtual Library, Genetics section, Biosciences Division 
      Includes an organism index linking to other pertinent databases, information on the U.S. and international Human Genome Projects, and links to research sites. 
    Community of Science Web Server 
      Links to Medline, U.S. Patent Citation Database, Commerce Business Daily, The Federal Register, and other resources. 
    Database of Genome Sizes  Genetic and biological resources links  
    Genetics Education Center, University of Kansas Medical Center /homepage.html 
      Educational information on human genetics, career resources. 
    Genetics Glossary  Genomics: A Global Resource  
      Many links. Website a joint project of the Pharmaceutical Research and Manufacturers of America and the American Institute of Biological Sciences; includes Genomics Today, a daily update on the latest news in the field. 
    Hispanic Educational Genome Project 
      Designed to educate high school students and their families about genetics and the Human Genome Project. Links to other projects. 
    Howard Hughes Medical Institute 
      Home page of major U.S. philanthropic organization that supports research in genetics, cell biology, immunology, structural biology, and neuroscience. Excellent introductory information on these topics. 
    Library of Congress  Microbial Database  MIT Biology Hypertextbook 
      All the basics. 
    Science and Mathematics Resources 
      More than 2000 Web references, including Frank Potter's Science Gems and Martindale's Health Science Guide. For teachers at all levels. 
    Virtual Courses on the Web  Welch Web 
      Links to many Internet biomedical resources, dictionaries, encyclopedias, government sites, libraries, and more, from the Johns Hopkins University Welch Library. 
    Why Files  Images on the Web 

    Biochemistry Online 

    Bugs in the News! 
      Microbiology information and a nice collection of images of biological molecules. 
    Cells Alive!  Cn3D (See in 3-D) 
      3-D molecular structure viewer allowing the user to visualize and rotate structure data entries from Entrez. Highly technical, for researchers. 
    Cytogenetics Gallery  DNA Learning Center, Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory 
      Animated images of PCR and Southern Blotting techniques. 
    Gene Map from the 1996 Genome Issue of Science 
      Click on particular areas of chromosomes and find genes. 
    Images of Biological Molecules  Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory Chromosome 19 Physical Map  Los Alamos National Laboratory Chromosome 16 Physical Map  Journals and Magazines 

    HGMIS Journals Gateways Web page 

    Biochemistry and Molecular Biology Journal  
      Comprehensive list. 
    Nature, Nature Genetics, and Nature Biotechnology  Science Magazine  Science Magazine Genome Issue (10/96)  
      Full text includes a "clickable" gene map. 
    Science News  Medical Genetics 

    Blazing a Genetic Trail  
      Illustrated booklet from the Howard Hughes Medical Institute on hunting for disease genes. 
    Directory of National Genetic Voluntary Organizations and Related Resources 
      Support groups for people with genetic diseases and their families. 
    GeneCards  Gene Therapy  
      Web course covering the basics, with links to other sites. 
    Inherited-Disease Genes Found by Positional Cloning 
      Links to OMIM. 
    NIH Office of Recombinant DNA Activities  
      Includes a database of human gene therapy protocols. 
    Online Mendelian Inheritance in Man (OMIM) 
      A comprehensive, authoritative, and up-to-date human gene and genetic disorder catalog that supports medical genetics and the Human Genome Project. 
    Promoting Safe and Effective Genetic Testing in the United States (1997) 
      Principles and recommendations by a joint NIH-DOE Human Genome Project group that examined the development and provision of gene tests in the United States. 
    Understanding Gene Testing 
      Illustrated brochure from the National Cancer Institute. 
    Science in the News  

      Short summaries of major stories, some with links to related articles in other sources. 

    HMS Beagle 
      Biweekly electronic journal featuring major science stories, profiles, book reviews, and other items of interest. 
    Science Daily 
      Headline stories, articles, and links to news services, newspapers, magazines, broadcast sources, journals, and organizations. Also offers weekly bulletins for updates by e-mail. 
    Science Guide  
      Daily news and information service and free science news e-mailer. Also contains directories of newsgroups, grant and funding resources, employment, and online journals. 
    ScienceNow  Web Search Tools 

    Biosciences Index to WWW Virtual Library 

    Metacrawler  "Search the Net"  
      Comprehensive list of search tools, libraries, world fact books, and other useful information. 

    Prepared August 1997 by  
    Human Genome Management Information System  
    Oak Ridge National Laboratory  
    1060 Commerce Park, MS 6480 
    Oak Ridge, TN 37830 

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