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Safety and Health Office

Reclamation Safety and Health Standards (RSHS)

Revised October 2009


As an agency, Reclamation has a responsibility to provide a safe and healthful working environment for all employees. Safety is a benefit to the individual, enhances productivity and quality in an organization, and provides positive results for the public taxpayer. The Bureau of Reclamation has long been actively engaged in the implementation of safety and health standards, and our future success depends, in part, on an aggressive commitment to the safety and occupational health program. Such commitment is integral to the Reclamation culture and is indicative of the pride we take in excellent performance.


This October 2009 revision of the RSHS supersedes previous versions. For construction and other contracts that require a safety clause, the RSHS version that was in effect when the contract was signed would govern, unless there is mutual agreement by the contracting parties to adopt this revised version. If there is a significant change that would affect the work being performed for a specific project, a modification may be explored with the contractor. The RSHS is available by ordering directly from the warehouse.


Although this written safety document is extremely important, it is but one aspect of a comprehensive Reclamation safety program. Supervisors and managers throughout Reclamation aggressively encourage safe behavior and enforce safety procedures in every job. It is essential that all of us demonstrate safety leadership and foster a safe, productive culture.


Please submit questions, comments, or recommendations for revision to Theresa Gallagher (TGallagher@usbr.gov).

The Safety and Health Office regrets that the on-line search of the RSHS is temporarily unavailable and suggests, as an alternative, that users may want to use the first link below to download the entire report and then use the Search function within their Adobe Reader® to search for specific terms.


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Last Reviewed: 1/10/10