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Technical Resources Facilitation Services

Reclamation's Technical Resources Facilitation Services Office offers creative problem solving that follows a value method study plan. Come find out how a Value Study Team can improve your project with cost effective, innovative solutions without sacrificing key functions.

The Value Program saves money and time when you integrate it into your projects. Completed studies have repeatedly shown significant ways to improve performance, reliability, quality, safety, and life-cycle costs within Reclamation. Our studies have helped us redirect over $100 million dollars back into projects and activities, and to fund some activities that might otherwise have gone unfunded. The savings usually stay in the region or office for whom the study was conducted.

When to work with the Technical Resources Facilitation Services and what type of service would be best for your project depends on your project--how complex it is, the number of stakeholders, and how much your project will cost.

Effective facilitation (non-required) includes Group Objectives and Logistics (GOAL) meetings to help determine the study objectives and Project Alternative Solutions Studies(PASS) to help determine and refine alternatives.

Value Method studies (which may be required) have two forms: the Value Planning study uses the formal value method to optimize alternatives, and the Value Engineering study uses the formal value method to optimize implementing the selected alternative. Value Management studies of administrative procedures, organizational structures, management systems, or similar activities use the same job plan and similar or the same techniques as value engineering and value planning studies.

This diagram shows the types of studies the Technical Resource Facilitation Services offers and where they fit into an overall planning effort. Click on the rings for more information, or go to a plain text explanation. There are four options for Technical Resources Facilitation Services:  GOAL, PASS, Value Planning, and Value Engineering Faciliation studies help form objectives and alternatives. Value Method studies may be required for your project. Value Engineering studies are after alternatives are designed to save the most money and optimize effectiveness. Value Engineering studies are after alternatives are designed to save the most money and optimize effectiveness. GOAL studies help teams work with stakeholders, management, and users to clearly identify problems and communicate the objectives and purposes. GOAL studies help . PASS studies help quickly develop a broad range of workable alternatives. PASS Studies help quickly develop a broad range of workable alternatives. Value Planning studies are before the alternatives are designed that help ensure the preferred alternative will be effective. Value Planning studies are before the alternatives are designed that help ensure the preferred alternative will be effective. Value Engineering studies are after alternatives are designed to save the most money and optimize effectiveness.



Contact Tom Cook (303-445-3292) to discuss how the Value Program can help you and to let us know how we can make this site better.