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Sedimentation and River Hydraulics Group

Group Manager: Tim Randle, (303) 445-2557, trandle@usbr.gov

Congratulations to the 2010 Federal Engineer of the Year: Lisa Fotherby, Ph.D., P.E.: Click here to learn about all of our group's Engineer of the Year award winners.

The second Joint Federal Interagency Conference on Sedimentation and Hydrologic Modeling (JFIC2010: 9thFISC & 4thFIHMC) will be held June 27 – July 1, 2010 at the Riviera Hotel, Las Vegas, Nevada. The theme is Hydrology and Sedimentation for a Changing Future: Existing and Emerging Issues. Registration is open and more information can be found here.

  • Erosion and Sedimentation Manual 2006

  • Teton River near Driggs, ID

    Teton River near Driggs, ID

    The Sedimentation and River Hydraulics Group conducts studies on how rivers and reservoirs have or will respond to changes in river flow, sediment supply, or channel modification. Studies are prepared for a variety of purposes including operation and maintenance, dam safety, and fish and wildlife habitat restoration. Many studies focus on Reclamation facilities; their physical impact on river channels and endangered species habitat, recreation, wetlands, and cultural resources.

    This Group assists in planning effective water and sediment management programs including:

    Our ability to collect and analyze data, identify and simulate physical processes, apply a range of models, and synthesize results for complex systems places our group in a unique class among river consultants. Our Group includes 17 Hydraulic Engineers who specialize in river hydraulics, sedimentation transport, and computer modeling; 3 Geomorphologists who specialize in river processes, and 3 Physical Scientists who specialize in the analysis of spatial data. Nearly every eligible Engineer has a professional engineer license. Of the 23 staff, 20 have a Master of Science degree, 1 is a Ph.D. candidate, and 7 have Ph.D. degrees.

    Channel Migration Example

    Historic Channel Migration Patterns

    Our group capabilities are summarized below:

    Read more about our Capabilities, explore the Project Gallery for example projects, or reference the Knowledge Base for manuals, guidelines, and research information.

    Sediment impact studies of rivers and reservoirs link changes in stream flow and sediment supply to processes controlling changes in channel shape and bank erosion. Applied research and customized investigations range from simple technical advice to in-depth, multi-year studies integrating diverse disciplines.

    Glines Canyon Dam
    Land Slide on the Hoh River
    Lake Mills Reservoir Delta Formation
    Gravel Sampling
    Hoh River Debris Dam
    River Survey Equipment
    Reservoir Survey Boat

    Data Collection, Reservoir Sedimentation, Geomorphic Features, Dam Analysis

    Many of our investigations focus on the hydraulic and sediment impacts to fish and wildlife habitat, recreation, wetlands, or cultural resources and can incorporate assessment, planning, and design of water resource facilities. We frequently participate in inter-disciplinary and interagency teams in evaluating ecological systems and providing input for environmental impact statements and assessments.

    We use a wide range of modeling and analysis software including an extensive suite developed and maintained in-house. Our in-house software allows us to customize and optimize numerical models to solve specific problems. We have designed our software to work together and provide an integrated view of river hydraulic and morphological processes. View our Model Development pages for the latest information.

    We are available to assist you with reservoir and river sedimentation, river restoration, channel stabilization, and river hydraulics problems associated with water resources development, planning and management, dam safety, and river ecosystem restoration.


    Web site maintained by: Kurt Wille