Links to comprehensive cancer control resources for public health professionals

Tobacco Control

Learn why these resources are important


State Cancer ProfilesExternal link (CDC, NCI) - Statistics for prioritizing cancer control efforts

State Tobacco Activities Tracking and EvaluationExternal link (STATE) (CDC) - State-level data on tobacco use prevention and control


Research to RealityExternal link (NCI)

  • Interactive community of practice for discussion, learning, and enhanced collaboration around evidence-based practice

Research Synthesis

Guide to Community Preventive Services (Federally supported) - Recommendations for population-based intervention approaches

U.S Preventive Services Task Force (Federally supported) - Recommendations on screening, counseling, and preventive medications

Additional Research Evidence Reviews

Cochrane Reviews

To access the Cochrane Reviews as a Cancer Control P.L.A.N.E.T. user, click on the link that best describes you:

Links to non-Federal organizations found at this site are provided solely as a service to our users.
These links do not constitute an endorsement of these organizations or their programs by the Federal Government, and none should be inferred.
The Federal Government is not responsible for the content of the individual organization Web pages found at these links.


Research-tested Intervention Programs (NCI, SAMHSA) - Summary statements, ratings and program materials from cancer prevention and control studies

Sample program:

  • "Programa Para Dejar de Fumar" - A Spanish language self-help guide for smokers who want to quit


Reach Effectiveness Adoption Implementation Maintenance (RE-AIM)External link

  • This site provides an explanation of and resources for those wanting to apply the RE-AIM framework; the RE-AIM framework is designed to enhance the quality, speed, and public health impact of efforts to translate research into practice


Guidance for Comprehensive Cancer Control Planning (CDC) - Guidance for linking research to practice
State Plans for Comprehensive Cancer Control
Prevention & Care ManagementExternal link (AHRQ) - Resources and materials for linking research and practice