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Mailing List Announcements

MONAHRQ Version 4.0.1 - Now Available! (December 2012)

We are pleased to announce the release of MONAHRQ Version 4.0.1.

MONAHRQ 4.0.1 is a minor release that includes several updates and changes based on user feedback, including:

  • Support for reporting estimated cost savings by reducing potentially avoidable hospital stays.

  • Updated cost-to-charge data.

  • Updated ZIP code data.

  • Improved cell size suppression support in the Maps of Avoidable Hospital Stays path.

  • Support for customizable footnotes in the Hospital Utilization and County Rates of Hospital Use paths.
To report the estimated cost savings for potentially avoidable hospital says, AHRQ has developed the Area QI Cost Calculator for Windows and for SAS. The Area QI Cost Calculator tools use the output from the AHRQ Quality Indicators software to calculate the estimated cost savings. Output from the Area QI Cost Calculator can then be imported into MONAHRQ. MONAHRQ 4.0.1 is now available for download from the MONAHRQ site. For additional information, please view the Release Notes.

The July 2012 CMS Hospital Compare file is available for use with MONAHRQ

The July Hospital Compare file contains the following data:

  • Mortality and readmissions measure results for July 2008 through June 2011.

  • Process of care measure results for October 2010 through September 2011.

  • Imaging measure results for January 2010 through December 2010.

  • HCAHPS survey results for October 2010 through September 2011.

  • Central Line Associated Blood Stream Infections (HAI-1-SIR) measure results for January 2011 through September 2011.

  • Heart Attack Patients Given a Prescription for a Statin at Discharge (AMI-10) measure results for January 2011 through September 2011.
Data for imaging measures Contrast material (dye) used during abdominal CT scan (OP-10) and Contrast material (dye) used during chest CT scan (OP-11) have been scaled to reflect percentages.


MONAHRQ Version 4.0 - Now Available! (August 2012)

We are pleased to announce the release of MONAHRQ Version 4.0.

MONAHRQ 4.0 is a major release that includes several updates and changes, including:

  • Removing the embedded AHRQ Quality Indicators software. MONAHRQ will now import and report pre-calculated AHRQ QI results that can be created outside of MONAHRQ using any version of the AHRQ Quality Indicators software.

  • Ability to report two additional CMS Hospital Compare measures-Central Line Associated Blood Stream Infections (CLABSI) and Statin Prescribed at Discharge.

  • Customizable description information for MONAHRQ quality measures and health topics.

  • Support for multiple years of cost-to-charge ratio data.

  • Redesigned Web site generation wizard.

  • Support for additional file formats.
MONAHRQ 4.0 is now available for download from the MONAHRQ site. For additional information, please view the Release Notes.


MONAHRQ Version 3.0 - Now Available! (June 2012)

We are pleased to announce the release of MONAHRQ Version 3.0.

MONAHRQ 3.0 is a major release that includes several new features and updates including:

  • Upgrading the WinQI software to version 4.2 to version 4.3a.

  • Ability to report additional AHRQ quality indicators, including provder-level composites.

  • Ability to report additional Hospital Compare imaging, outpatient, and surgical patient safety measures.

  • New Nursing Sensitive Care health topic in the Hospital Quality path.

  • The ability to import user-defined DRG and MDC groupings instead of having MONAHRQ assign them automatically.

  • Support for cell suppression based on denominator values, in addition to MONAHRQ's current support for suppression based on numerator values.

  • Ability to save and reload hospital information and several website customization parameters.
MONAHRQ 3.0 is now available for download from the MONAHRQ site. The release notes provide additonal information on the new features as well as installation and upgrade information.

Please contact us at with any questions or comments. Thank you for your continued support!


MONAHRQ Version 2.0.4 - Now Available (3/19/12)

MONAHRQ 2.0.4 has been released and is available for download. Version 2.0.4 is a maintenance release that incorporates all changes from prior releases.

In order to install 2.0.4, previous versions of MONAHRQ must be uninstalled. If MONAHRQ 2.0.4 is installed, previously generated Websites should be regenerated.

MONAHRQ 2.0.4 generated Websites are best viewed in the Firefox browser.

Summary of Changes from MONAHRQ 2.0.3 to 2.0.4

MONAHRQ 2.0.4 includes the following updates:

  • Additional MONAHRQ-generated Web pages that provide accessible table versions of the bar charts.

  • Updates to the MONAHRQ host application that enable the editing of CMS-only hospitals. Previously, the host user screen allowing the editing of CMS-only hospitals was not appearing.

  • Additional corrections for 508 accessibility including:

    • In the Hospital Quality Path, redesigned the classification table headers for ease of use with a screen reader.

    • In the Hospital Quality Path, redesigned the hospital and zip code multiple selection lists.

    • Updated alternative text for clarity.
For MONAHRQ 2.0.4 and subsequent versions, it will be possible to install multiple versions of MONAHRQ on a single machine. However, it will still be necessary to uninstall an earlier version of MONAHRQ (2.0.3 and earlier) before installing MONAHRQ 2.0.4 or subsequent versions.


The Department of Health and Human Services has posted a contract solicitation for MONAHRQ

The Department of Health and Human Services has posted a contract solicitation/Request for Proposals (RFP) for My Own Network Powered by AHRQ - MONAHRQ on the Federal Business Opportunities website.

Interested, eligible parties are invited to review and respond.

Please refer to the federal business opportunities posting for all existing and future information associated with this project. All inquiries shall be handled strictly as required by the announcement. Thank you for your interest.


MONAHRQ Version 2.0.3 - Now Available (12/27/11)

MONAHRQ 2.0.3 has been released and is available for download. Version 2.0.3 is a maintenance release that replaces version 2.0.2.

We strongly recommend that users install and use version 2.0.3. In order to install 2.0.3, previous versions of MONAHRQ must be uninstalled. Previously generated Websites should be regenerated.

For MONAHRQ 2.0.3 generated Websites are best viewed in the Firefox browser.

Summary of Changes from MONAHRQ 2.0.2 to 2.0.3

MONAHRQ 2.0.3 includes the following updates:

  • Improved display of suppressed values.

  • Updated hospital sort for consistency across all paths.

  • Improved Website customization.

  • Corrected a number of issues related to 508 accessibility.
For questions or technical assistance, please contact



What's New?

New! December 18 - MONAHRQ 4.0.1 is now available for download! Version 4.0.1 is a minor release that includes support for estimated cost savings and other features.

New! September 18 - Visit the MONAHRQ-generated Hospital Discharge Health Data Site from the Arkansas Department of Health.

New! September 6 - The July 2012 CMS Hospital Compare file is available for use with MONAHRQ.

New! August 27 - The new Quick Start Guide highlights changes in version 4.0 for experienced MONAHRQ users.

New! August 10 - Visit the MONAHRQ 4.0-generated live demo Website.

New! August 7 - MONAHRQ 4.0 is now available for download! Version 4.0 is a major release that includes several new features and updates. A demo site is coming soon.

June 28 - Visit the MONAHRQ 3.0-generated live demo Website.

June 16 - MONAHRQ 3.0 is now available for download! Version 3.0 is a major release that includes several new features and updates. A demo site is coming soon.

March 19 - MONAHRQ 2.0.4. now available for download! Version 2.0.4. is a maintenance release that replaces version 2.0.3.

February 28 - HHS has posted a Request for Proposals (RFP) for My Own Network Powered by AHRQ - MONAHRQ.

January 18 - The new MyQI Nursing Guide provides quality improvement resources for nursing professionals.
Internet Citation: MONAHRQ®. December 2012. Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality, Rockville, MD.
If you have comments, suggestions, and/or questions, please contact
Last modified 12/13/12.
AHRQ  Advancing Excellence in Health Care