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eCon Planning Suite: Consolidated Plan & IDIS

Beginning in May 2012, HUD grantees will be able to submit their Consolidated Plan using the Consolidated Plan template in IDIS OnLine. The Consolidated Plan template will be required for all Consolidated Plans submitted on or after November 15, 2012. Grantees that are scheduled to submit Consolidated Plans to HUD after this date will use the template for both the Consolidated Plan and each Annual Action Plan.

Grantees have the option to use IDIS to submit an Annual Action Plan for an existing Consolidated Plan until their next Consolidated Plan is due to HUD.. If grantees choose this option, they will need to complete the screens for the Action Plan as well as enter information about Geographic Priorities, Priority Needs, and Goals from their previously approved Consolidated Plan.
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Consolidated Plan Manual

The manual “Using IDIS to Prepare the Consolidated Plan, Annual Action Plan, and CAPER/PER,” is an online user manual to support grantees using IDIS to file these plans and reports. Part 1 explains the features of this new online planning template. Part 2 provides a brief guide to the consolidated planning process. Part 3 provides screen-by-screen guidance to using the Consolidated Plan template.
New as of 8/23/12

Troubleshooting Guide: Consolidated Plan Template in IDIS

Troubleshooting: Removing HTML Tags from Copied Text

eCon Planning Suite FAQ

About IDIS

Log On to IDIS OnLine

The new Consolidated Plan and Action Plan templates are accessed by approved grantee users via IDIS. The local (grantee) IDIS Administrator, or local HUD Field Office IDIS Administrator, can provide existing IDIS users with privileges to access the new Consolidated Plan modules. The Log on screen contains instructions to request an IDIS ID through the IDIS OnLine Access Request form for new users.
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Other IDIS Resources
Provides resources on other topics not directly related to the new Consolidated Plan template.

IDIS Training and Help
Access specific guidance on how to create a project, set up an activity, fund the activity, draw down funds, and report accomplishments on this site.

For IDIS issues, contact the IDIS Technical Assistance Unit at or 877-483-8282.
The Help Desk is open Monday – Friday, from 8:15am – 7pm ET.

Reporting and Guidance
Guidance is available at this site on a variety of IDIS reporting topics, including when and how to report accomplishments, which reports to use for the CAPER and for program management, tips on analyzing reports, and more.

Reporting Activities and Accomplishments/CAPER
Each year, HUD requires state and local governments that receive CDBG, HOME, ESG, and HOPWA funds to report all activity occurring through the last day of the program year. This must be reported within 90 days of the end of the program year. With the initiation of the Consolidated Plan template in IDIS OnLine, all narrative reporting will be implemented through this system for grantees entering their Consolidated Plan and/or Annual Action Plan in IDIS.

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To submit a question, scroll to the bottom of the page and click “Ask a question.”
Content current as of 5 October 2012   Follow this link to go  Back to top