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Case Studies

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Description: Photographs of recommended treatments or components included in the study, including: sidewalks, privacy screening, landscaping, bicycle lanes and roundabouts.

I-485 Interchange Analysis, Charlotte, NC. (PDF)


During the construction of I-485, Charlotte's outer beltway, the Mecklenburg-Union MPO conducted a study to analyze land use plans and construction designs for each of the interchanges on the beltway. The study made recommendations for zoning changes and interchange design to improve connectivity and quality of life in communities surrounding proposed beltway interchanges.

Blueprint Sacramento, Sacramento, CA. (PDF)


The Blueprint Sacramento project is a comprehensive regional vision planning process. Innovative public participation technologies and regional models were used to provide the public with real-time feedback on the effects of land use decisions on transportation, open space, and air quality. Since adoption in December 2004, the Sacramento Area Council of Governments has worked with local and regional governments to support Blueprint implementation, and incorporate its principles into all regional planning activities.

Description: Two orthophoto samples at four inch resolution and twelve inch resolution, showing the tops of houses, roads and cars. Details of vegetation and street markings are easily seen.

Orthophotography, Tucson, AZ. (PDF)


Through its Regional Remote Sensing (RRS) program, the Pima Association of Governments (PAG) collects high-resolution digital imagery for state, regional, and local agencies and organizations. Since 1998, the region has collected photos and applied them to land use planning, transportation planning, corridor studies, zoning code enforcement, preliminary roadway design, and other purposes in the public and private sectors that benefit from high resolution aerial imagery.

Description: Illustration from the Pedestrian Master Plan, showing an elderly person and child walking along a pedestrian friendly two lane street, with wide sidewalks, pedestrian scale lighting, street trees, a marked crosswalk. A cyclist wearing a helmet is riding in the bike lane of this street.

Pedestrian Plan, Oakland, CA. (PDF)


The City of Oakland developed a Pedestrian Master Plan that designates a network of pedestrian facilities and distinguishes segments and intersections in need of particular attention for safety enhancements. In addition to traditional technical methods and community input, the City of Oakland used Space Syntax, software which estimates and assigns pedestrian volumes throughout the city based on land use, population, and other trip generation characteristics, for assessing safety concerns.


Description: Map of Northwest Denver showing street classifications, including arterials, collectors, downtown access streets, controlled access highways and landmark streets, which include Speer Boulevard and part of 46th Avenue.

Street Classification System, Denver, CO. (PDF)


The City and County of Denver's street classification system considers multiple modes and surrounding land uses. Multimodal streets are "zoned" as residential streets, main streets, mixed-use streets, commercial streets, industrial streets, landmark streets, and one-way couplets.

Description: I-405 map showing locations of 15 urban centers, which are all located within the Seattle area growth boundary and mostly at major road connections.

I-405 Corridor Program, Seattle, WA. (PDF)


The I-405 Corridor Program was a partnership among communities, elected officials, agencies, and advocacy groups to define a 20-year transportation vision for the 30-mile I-405 corridor in east suburban Seattle. Led by the Washington State DOT, the program undertook a streamlined EIS approach to reach consensus on a $7 billion transportation package to address mobility and access needs. The solution package includes multi-modal transportation projects and land use strategies.

Description: Conceptual realignment and access management alternative near Giffords Church intersection in Princetown, NY. The realignment would close access to low intensity roads and add plantings and gateway signs.

Community and Transportation Linkage Planning Program, Albany, NY. (PDF)


The Community and Transportation Linkage Program helps to integrate land use and transportation decisions by providing MPO staff or private consultant support to local community planning initiatives. The funded planning studies are helping to implement key policies of the New Visions regional transportation plan through adoption by localities of land use plans; highway and transit designs; zoning ordinances; driveway, sidewalk, bicycle accommodation, and other standards.

Related Information

Updated: 04/13/2012
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