Curriculum Programs
High School Girl Observing Beaker
Advanced Placement
Career and Technical Education
Early Childhood Education
English as a Second Language (ESL)
English Language Arts (ELA)
Fine Arts
Gifted Education
Health Education
Host Nation Studies
Information Centers
Physical Education
Social Studies
Special Education
Virtual School Program
World Language


 The DoDEA science program offers courses for students in grades pre-kindergarten through twelve, including 19 specific secondary science courses offered in traditional and virtual classrooms. The Science Content Standards provide a framework for advancing student performance and achievement in science. All science courses are designed to incorporate differentiated instruction for all learners while maintaining rigor, laboratory participation and high expectations for student achievement.

In grades pre-kindergarten through grade five, inquiry-based learning that emphasizes critical thinking and problem-solving provides the foundation for students to acquire the knowledge, skills and processes pertaining to the physical, life, and earth sciences.

In the middle grades, science instruction increases in depth and complexity, the science content is presented through an integrated approach that interlinks concepts and skills in physical, life, and earth sciences. The types of investigations and experimentations increase in sophistication and require students to become active problem-solvers engaged in learning science by designing, conducting, and communicating their own investigations, using technology to assist in collection, analysis, and communication of data.

At the high school level, science content standards are presented as four separate strands— biology, chemistry, physics, and earth sciences –each providing the rigor and a balance of content knowledge to prepare students for collegiate-level study and career pathways. In addition, DoDEA requires that 30% of instructional time be dedicated to participation in laboratory activities as articulated within the science standards and regulation 2000.1. Laboratory activities are defined as standards-based, activities. The courses are designed so that the standards draw content from several strands. These standards provide all students with a facility in scientific investigations and an ability to make connections across the sciences, mathematics, and technology. The science curriculum also supports extra-curricular activities for students in science and Rube-Goldburg fairs; the Research Science Institute (RSI), Junior Science and Humanities Symposium (JSHS).

ll aspects of progress in science are measured using multiple methods such as authentic assessments, performance assessments, formative assessments, observational assessments, projects, research activities, reports, group and individual student work and conventional summative assessments.

Contact Information:

DoDEA Science Coordinator
4800 Mark Center Drive
Alexandria VA 22350-1400