Tolling and Pricing Program
photos of highway traffic and toll booths
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Tolling and Pricing Program

Program Announcements

U.S. Transportation Secretary Ray LaHood Announces More Than $363 Million in Grants for State Highway Projects

The Value Pricing Pilot Program Announces $12.1 million in grant awards to 18 projects.

Webinar Series

The Overcoming the Challenges of Congestion Pricing webinar series is aimed at state and local agencies; decision-makers/political leaders who want to better understand the benefits of congestion pricing; metropolitan planning organizations (MPOs); and others who just want to learn more about congestion pricing strategies. Learn more and register for upcoming webinars…

Other Announcements

Effective Approaches for Advancing Congestion Pricing in a Metropolitan Region (HTML, PDF 1.7MB) - This primer is intended to raise awareness among staff at MPOs and their partner agencies about the potential role of congestion pricing in supporting regional goals as well as the most effective approaches for advancing congestion pricing strategies in a region.

VPP Quarterly Report (July - September 2012) - Each quarter, projects authorized under the Value Pricing Pilot Program are updated to provide the most current VPP program information on active projects being studied as well as projects that have been implemented.

This site is intended to provide information about the tolling and pricing programs and provisions available under Title 23 of the United States Code (23 U.S.C.), following enactment of Safe, Accountable, Flexible, Efficient Transportation Equity Act: A Legacy for Users (SAFETEA-LU), and to invite Expressions of Interest from States and/or other public entities. This site contains information on "getting started" by submitting an Expression of Interest for the available tolling authority. An agency can download an Expression of Interest template through this web page, complete it, and re-submit it electronically via e-mail. This site also provides key contacts and links to resources related to tolling and pricing that can be used to support an initiative. Through this site, agencies can understand the tolling and pricing opportunities that now exist and can communicate with the Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) in order to assist them in effectively meeting their desired goal(s) for applying for tolling and pricing authority or funding.

Current Programs

The FHWA will work with an interested agency through the Tolling and Pricing Team. Jennifer Ahlin is the contact:

Darren Timothy
FHWA Office of Innovative Program Delivery
1200 New Jersey Ave SW
FHWA-HIN, Room E84-311
Washington, DC 20590

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