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Opportunities and Additional Resources

The Division Office should consider the following issues when reviewing their State's recovery programs:

  1. System Preservation Use of state-wide or area-wide system preservation projects

  2. What are Effective Procurement Strategies? State DOTs should consider contracting techniques that provide for competition and effective procurement procedures (tied bids, advanced advertising contingent upon adequate funding, design-build, area-wide contracts, etc.)

  3. ACTT, Highways for LIFE, TIG and AASHTO Project Delivery Techniques What are effective concepts, ideas and approaches that facilitate the acceleration of project design and construction?

    • Create and Foster Close Working Relationships with Project Stakeholders Achieving partnership among stakeholders benefits the project delivery process. By building open and well-utilized lines of communication between agencies and managers within organizations, project issues can be solved faster with better results. State DOTs and FHWA should promote the concept of partnering in the implementation of an economic recovery program.

    • Application of Advanced Technologies ACTT, Highways for LIFE and AASHTO have identified several "ready-to-use" technologies, products and processes (i.e., Prefabricated Bridge Elements and Systems, the use of ITS technology in work zones, GPS technology, Rapid Embankment Construction, High-Speed Non-Destructive Testing, On-site Pre-manufacturing, standardization, etc.) that seek to produce significant economic or qualitative benefits in delivering the highway product. State DOTs should consider the use of advanced technologies and techniques for the accelerated delivery of projects where applicable.

    • Use of Alternative Construction Schedules For efficient management of projects in an economic recovery program, State DOTs should consider the use of advanced project management tools (i.e., CPM scheduling software for construction, 4D technologies, or a GIS based approach using navigable 3D animation) to visualize project activities and better review a construction project schedule.

    • Public Information and Outreach is a Key to Success in Traffic Management State DOTs should realize the opportunities and benefits for using traveler information services to manage demand during periods of roadway congestion, including congestion during commute periods, special events, and emergencies.

    • Improve and expedite communication With the increased number of projects communication and coordination is essential. Establishment of protocols and contact list as well as expedited decision making will enhance delivery and minimize delay.

    • Use of standardized designs Standardized designs will minimize design time and expedite getting work under way. Standardized designs incorporating prefabricated elements will allow stockpiling of materials for construction and speed project delivery.

    For additional information on technologies and techniques to reduce overall project duration and accelerate construction, see the ACTT and Highways for LIFE web sites at:

  4. What are Alternative Contracting and Alternative Project Delivery Methods? Many states have used alternative contracting and alternative project delivery techniques to accelerate construction and minimize disruptions to road users. The following contracting techniques are no longer considered experimental and may be used without FHWA Headquarters approval: incentives / disincentives for early completion, cost-plus-time bidding, lane rental, design-build and warranties. The following techniques requires FHWA Headquarters approval under Special Experimental Project No. 14: alternate pavement type bidding with a bid adjustment for life-cycle-cost factors, no excuse incentives, lump sum bidding, best value contracting, construction manager at risk and other alternative contracting techniques. See the following web sites for additional information regarding SEP-14 techniques:

  5. Workforce Training With the significant increase in the number of projects, new workers will be entering the workforce. Getting these workers trained will require planning and coordination the Transportation Curriculum Coordination Council has several resources to assist in this undertaking:

    As the implementation of the anticipated recovery package goes forward for state and local transportation agencies may have a need to provide training and professional development for current and new employees. Several FHWA managed programs are in place to support the expected increase in training and professional development including:

    • Core funds program of Surface Transportation Program (STP), National Highway System (NHS), Interstate Maintenance, Bridge, and Congestion Mitigation and Air Quality (CMAQ) can be used for training, education and workforce development activities. The use of funds is at the discretion of the states at 100% federal funding with no state match required. While 5204(e) provides that funds can be used for career outreach and local agency training, the core fund programs are the primary basis for the states to develop and implement infrastructure projects. As such, the funds have been used primarily to train state DOT employees.

    • The National Highway Institute (NHI): Provides 250 technical and policy courses available for presentation with the primary audience is state DOT employees.

    • Local Technical Assistance Program LTAP/TTAP (LTAP): provides information and training to local governments and agencies. There are 58 Centers, one in each state and Puerto Rico; 7 Regional Tribal Centers (TTAP)

    • On the Job Training Support Services Program (OJT/SS): Trains minorities, women, and disadvantaged persons in skilled trades and transportation technology-related careers. The focus is to provide services to highway construction contractors, apprentices and trainees in support of states' federal-aid projects; targets minorities, women, and the socially and economically disadvantaged.

  6. Use of warrantees and performance contracting With the increased number of projects underway oversight will be extremely demanding the use of warrantees and performance contracting can provide alternatives to assure project performance and quality assurance.

  7. What will be the impact of the increased level of construction on congestion and mobility?

    The infusion of a large number of new projects under the recovery initiative will require appropriate coordination, sequencing, and scheduling of projects in order to minimize conflicts and delays, and maintain an acceptable level of mobility and safety during construction. Unless appropriately coordinated and managed, the cumulative effect of projects in close proximity can lead to poor, inefficient operations that magnify impacts.

    The Work Zone Safety and Mobility Rule (23 CFR 630 Subpart J) established a framework for the comprehensive consideration of the safety and mobility impacts of work zones across project development stages, and the adoption of strategies that help manage these impacts during project implementation. The Rule expands thinking beyond the project limits to address corridor, network, and regional issues while planning and designing road projects. Additional information on the Rule and guidance on a number of related topics including:

    Work Zone Impacts Assessment; Developing and Implementing Transportation Management Plans; and Work Zone Public Information and Outreach can be found at

    Some best practices relating to the coordination of multiple projects can be found at

    Among the large variety of work zone strategies are some that can help expedite project completion:

  8. References

    1. "Accelerating Project Delivery: It's About Time." Publication: APD-1. 2005 American Association Of State Highway And Transportation Officials.

    2. "Transportation - Invest In Our Future: Accelerating Project Delivery." Publication: TIF7-1. 2007 American Association Of State Highway And Transportation Officials.

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