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chemical structure of Trenbolone

Trenbolone is an androgenic, anabolic veterinary steroid used to increase muscle growth and weight gain in livestock. It is also used illicitly by bodybuilders. It is extensively excreted in its unchanged form and as metabolites called conjugates, which can be hydrolyzed after their excretion, yielding the parent trenbolone. It can impart endocrine effects on wildlife at very low concentrations.

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Pharmaceutical Databases


Ecotox is a comprehensive web-based database, compiled and maintained by Office of Research and Development's National Health and Environmental Effects Research Laboratory (ORD/NHEERL), that provides information on effects of chemicals on ecologically-relevant species.

The majority of data in ECOTOX are abstracted from peer-reviewed and gray literature sources. Pertinent information on species, chemicals, test methods and test results are encoded into discrete data fields within the database. ECOTOX also includes third-party data collections from the EPA program offices, the United States Geologic Survey, Russia, and Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) member nations. The data collections summarize research that are either not available in the open literature or published in a language other than English.

ECOTOX currently includes more than 520,000 test results on the effects of more than 8,500 chemicals, including PPCPs, on over 6,400 terrestrial and aquatic species. The coding of each parameter in discrete data fields allows users to conduct searches on a variety of information types including taxonomic hierarchy, chemical identification information, effect/endpoints, test location, exposure media, route of chemical exposure, and publication information. The full citation is provided for all test records within a query report. In addition to the HTML viewable outputs, search results can be downloaded to either ASCII delimited or Excel file formats. New data are released on a quarterly-basis. The comprehensive nature of the data collection makes it amenable for use in risk assessments, modeling, and ranking and prioritization exercises.

U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) Center for Drug Evaluation and Research (CDER):

Pharmaceuticals in the Environment, Information for Assessing Risk - National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) This is designed to provide available information for assessing risks to aquatic resources from drugs entering waterways from both point and non-point sources. This site includes information on frequently prescribed drugs as well as most antibiotics and lipid-lowering drugs. You can search the database by:

NLM's MedLine Plus Health Information - includes medical dictionary with pronunciations

RxList: The Top 200 Prescriptions  Exit EPA Disclaimer

Drug Information Online Exit EPA Disclaimer - Prescription & OTC Drug information for consumers and professionals.

MediLexicon: Acronyms and Abbreviations Dictionary of Pharmaceutical Medicine Exit EPA Disclaimer

Lexi-Comp's Clinical Reference Library Exit EPA Disclaimer - information on new and anticipated drugs

PharmGKB Search - Pharmacogenetics and Pharmacogenomics Knowledge Base: Stanford University Exit EPA Disclaimer

OSIRIS Property Explorer: Drug-Relevant Properties (Actelion) Exit EPA Disclaimer

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Veterinary Medicine

U.S. FDA's "Green Book" of Approved Animal Drugs

Database of Approved Animal Drug Products FDA Center for Veterinary Medicine, Vermont Exit EPA Disclaimer

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Concentrated Animal Feeding Operations

U.S. EPA, Office of Water, Office of Wastewater Management: Animal Feeding Operations

U.S. EPA, Concentrated Animal Feeding Operations (CAFO) - Final Rule

Ground Water and Ecosystems Restoration Research Concentrated Animal Feeding Operations (CAFO)

U.S. FDA, Center for Veterinary Medicine

"Animal Factories: Pollution and Health Threats to Rural Texas" (Consumers Union) Exit EPA Disclaimer

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U.S. EPA Effluent Limitations Guidelines and New Source Performance Standards for the Concentrated Aquatic Animal Production Point Source Category

U.S. EPA  Aquatic Animal Production Industry Effluent Guidelines

Aquaculture Drug Research and Development from USGS/BRD Upper Midwest Environmental Sciences Center (UMESC)

SeaWeb Aquaculture Resources Exit EPA Disclaimer

Antibiotic Drug Use in U.S. Aquaculture (C.M. Benbrook, February 2002) Exit EPA Disclaimer

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Antibiotics: Prudent/Judicious Use

Antimicrobial Resistance - Centers for Disease Control and Prevention

Antibiotic Resistance:  A Growing Threat - U.S. FDA

Antibiotic Resistance Exit EPA Disclaimer - Center for Science in the Public Interest - CSPI. Discusses concerns about the proliferation of antibiotic use by human and agricultural use creating anitbiotic resistence.

Evaluation of the Termination of the Use of Antimicrobial Growth Promoters in Denmark (November 2002) Exit EPA Disclaimer - from the World Health Organization (WHO) International Review Panel.

Drug resistance Exit EPA Disclaimer - WHO Report on Infectious Diseases

Generally Overlooked Fundamentals of Bacterial Genetics and Ecology Exit EPA Disclaimer

The Need to Improve Antimicrobial Use in Agriculture: Ecological and Human Health Consequences Exit EPA Disclaimer - Journal: Clinical Infectious Diseases 2002, 34[suppl 3])

Superbugs - the problem of antimicrobial resistance - UK's National Institute of Medical Research

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Personal Care Products

Household Products Database: Health & Safety Information on Household Products - National Institutes of Health, National Library of Medicine

Cosmetic Ingredient Review (CIR) Publications List Exit EPA Disclaimer

Research Institute for Fragrance Materials (RIFM) Exit EPA Disclaimer - The Research Institute for Fragrance Materials (RIFM) evaluates and distributes scientific data on the safety assessment of fragrance raw materials found in perfumes, cosmetics, shampoos, creams, detergents, air fresheners, candles and otherpersonal and household products.

European Cosmetic Toiletry and Perfumery Association Exit EPA Disclaimer

Japan Cosmetic Industry Association Exit EPA Disclaimer

The Soap and Detergent Association Exit EPA Disclaimer - Enhancing health and the quality of life through cleaning products and practices. SDA programs address a variety of human health and environmental safety issues from several perspectives.

International Fragrance Association Exit EPA Disclaimer - The primary focus is the worldwide development and advancement of the fragrance industry. The organization has established and seeks to preserve the self-regulatory practices of the international fragrance industry. This occurs through the development and implementation of a Code of Practice and safety standards utilized worldwide with the final objective to protect the consumer and the environment.

Fragranced Products Information Network Exit EPA Disclaimer - A comprehensive web site on health, environmental, and regulatory aspects related to fragrance

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Nutraceuticals and Phytochemicals

PubMed Dietary Supplement Subset Exit EPA DisclaimerThe PubMed Dietary Supplement Subset succeeds the International Bibliographic Information on Dietary Supplements (IBIDS) database, 1999-2010, which was a collaboration between the two U.S. government agencies, ODS and United States Department of Agriculture National Agricultural Library. This site gives you access to citations from the MEDLINE database and additional life science journals. It also includes links to many full-text articles at journal Web sites.

Dr. Duke's Phytochemical and Ethnobotanial Databases (USDA-ARS)

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PPCP Monitoring Programs

USGS Toxics Substance Hydrology Program:
What's in Our Wastewaters and Where Does it Go?

Extended Producer/Product Responsibility (EPR) & Product Stewardship

U.S. EPA: Product Stewardship

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State and Local Disposal Programs

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Government Regulatory Bodies

Portal to accessing (and commenting on) Federal regulations

U.S. FDA (Food and Drug Administration)

U.S. EPA Major Environmental Laws

U.S. EPA: Development Document for Final Effluent Limitations Guidelines and Standards for the Pharmaceutical Manufacturing Point Source Category

U.S. EPA: Envirofacts Data Warehouse and Applications

U.S. EPA: Environmental Data Registry

Drugs and Personal Care Products Exit EPA Disclaimer - Health Canada

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