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Pharmaceutical Products and Chemical Intermediates, Fourth Review: Advice Concerning the Addition of Certain Products to the Pharmaceutical Appendix to the HTS

Investigation No. 332-520
USITC Publication 4181


The U.S. International Trade Commission (USITC) has released the results of its investigation providing information and advice to the President concerning approximately 735 pharmaceutical products and chemical intermediates for which the Administration is proposing to eliminate duties. The items under investigation are used primarily for the production of pharmaceuticals.

The products would be added to the Pharmaceutical Appendix to the Harmonized Tariff Schedule of the United States (HTS), which was created as part of the Uruguay Round Agreements and already covers approximately 9,500 products. The United States and 21 other major trading countries agreed during the Uruguay Round to eliminate duties on pharmaceuticals and to periodically conduct reviews to identify additional products to be covered by the initiative. If added to the Appendix, the products included in the new USITC investigation would receive duty-free treatment.

As requested, the USITC provided:

  • a summary description of the products contained in the existing Pharmaceutical Appendix and the modifications to be made to that Appendix;

  • an explanation of the relationship between the various elements in the Appendix and the HTS; and

  • an estimate of current U.S. imports and, where possible, current U.S. exports of the products included in the existing Pharmaceutical Appendix and the proposed additions to the Appendix.

The USITC’s report is now available at:

Also available on CD-ROM and in print; call 202.205.2000 for more information.