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Northwest Notes
Office of Public Housing
Region X - Alaska, Idaho, Oregon, Washington
FY2007 Quarter III, April 20, 2007

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The Director's Corner
This past February, Debra Sutton, our long-time Program Assistant, accepted a position in HUD's Northwest Office of Native American Programs. Debra contributed an extraordinary amount to the daily operations of our office. We wish her the best of luck in her new position and future endeavors.

We have established a newsletter listserv.
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Reminder: For the public housing program, please have your auditor include the Actual Modernization Cost Certificate (AMCC) in your annual audits reports to expedite closeouts of your Capital Fund Program grants.

On behalf of the Office of Public Housing team members in Seattle, Portland & Anchorage, we hope this newsletter is helpful to you. Thank you.

Harlan Stewart, Director, Office of Public Housing, Region X

Energy Star
Visit the Energy Star website to find out how your agency can benefit from Energy Star services.

FSS Success at Bremerton Housing
The Bremerton Housing Authority's (BHA) Family Self-Sufficiency (FSS) program helps participants to become financially independent with credit counseling, job seeking skills and savings plans for homeownership and education.

[Photo 1: Whitcher family]
Kristafer Whitcher and his daughter Danakai outside their home at Westpark

A single father who had just received custody of his daughter Danakai, Kristafer Whitcher was struggling with substance abuse when he moved into the Bremerton Housing Authority's public housing development, Westpark, in May of 2001. He knew something had to change, so he sought help and walked away from the substances that threatened his relationships and his personal growth.

Today, Kristafer is focused on a bright future. In addition to the FSS program, Kristafer, participates in BHA's Keys To A Better Life, which helps residents develop self-esteem through life skills classes, with a focus on everything from GED preparation to parenting. Kristafer credits both programs as being integral to his recent success, noting that the Westpark Community Center staff have been incredibly supportive and encouraging.

He regularly attends the Hillcrest Assembly of God and a Twelve Step Program held in Westpark. Kristafer is currently working at the YMCA on the Character Development Team with their teen late night program, and as a Youth Activity Assistant at the Westpark Community Center. Along with both jobs, Kristafer is taking classes at Olympic Community College. He plans to a get a family services certificate and then his Associate's Degree.

For more information about the Keys to a Better Life or FSS Programs, contact the Westpark Community Center at (360) 479-8108.

Limited English Proficiency (LEP)
The U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) published guidance in the Federal Register January 22, 2007 to assist housing providers in ensuring that people with limited English proficiency (LEP) have an understanding of housing documents.

Executive Order (EO) 13166, "Improving Access to Services for Persons with LEP," requires all federal, local and state agencies that receive federal funding ensure that people with limited language skills have meaningful access to government programs and services.

The guidance provides an analytical framework that housing providers may use to determine how best to comply with statutory and regulatory obligations to provide meaningful access to the benefits, services, information, and other important portions of their programs and activities for individuals who have limited English proficiency.

HUD currently has discrimination complaint forms in Arabic, Vietnamese, Russian, Chinese and Spanish, and one model lease in Spanish. These documents are currently available on HUD's website and free to the public. In the future, HUD, an agency that offers a Spanish-language website, also plans to translate a model apartment lease into French, Portuguese, Korean, Amharic, Russian and Chinese.

Learn more about the LEP guidance

[Graphic: Fair Housing Month logo]April is Fair Housing Month
FHEO and its partners in the Fair Housing Assistance Program investigate approximately 10,300 housing discrimination complaints annually. People who believe they are the victims of housing discrimination should contact HUD at (800) 669-9777 or TTY (800) 927-9275.

Learn more about Fair Housing

The EcoWise Environmental Resource Newsletter, published by HUD's Public Housing Energy Conservation Clearinghouse, includes articles, training events and webcast information. Sign up for EcoWise

View our Webcast archive
2007 SuperNOFA Broadcasts training schedule

Housing Choice Voucher (HCV) Homeownership
HCV Homeownership Closings as of 4/1/2007









Hub Total


[Photo 2: Trainees]
Cheryl Southwick and Graeme Atkey of King County Housing Authority attended PIC Training at HUD Seattle Office, March 20-21, 2007

PIH Information Center (PIC) Training Provided
Suzanne Manville, PIC Coach, conducted PIC training March 6-7 and 20-21, 2007 at the Seattle Regional HUD Office. If your agency was unable to participate, but would like to participate in future training sessions or would like copies of training materials, please email Suzanne at Suzanne_Manville@hud.gov.

Earned Income Verification (EIV) and Identity Theft
If EIV information reveals possible Identity Theft, the PHA should notify the participant and provide them with a copy of this information.

The participant should provide the following information to the PHA documenting the identity theft:

  • Copy of police report (not a police report number);
  • Notice from credit bureau regarding fraud alert placed on credit report; or copy of credit report with fraud alert notice; or copy of identify theft report filing with the Federal Trade Commission;
  • AND copy of tenant's letter sent to employer to dispute information and request for correction;
  • AND any correspondence the tenant received from employer.

Remember: EIV information can only be provided to the adult household member to whom it pertains!

Keeping Current with PIH/REAC Notifications
VERY IMPORTANT: It is the PHA's responsibility to ensure the following information is correct and current under the HA Inventory-Housing Authority Sub-module in PIC:

  • Agency address, phone, FAX, and email information
  • Both physical and mailing addresses (if different)
  • Physical address for visitors and overnight express packages (cannot use P.O. Box)
  • HA Contacts (official data source for PIH-REAC)
    • Must list at least one Executive Director
    • Must list governing board members
  • PIH searches for valid email addresses for the PHA in the following order:
    • Executive Director
    • Acting Executive Director
    • Housing Director
    • Section 8 Director
    • HA General Email Address

PHA is responsible for maintaining a valid email account and keeping it emptied. Failure to maintain a valid email address is not an acceptable excuse for missing an important communication from PIH-REAC.

EIV Recertification by April 30th
REMINDER: PHA Users must be recertified by PHA User Administrator by midnight 4/30/07. HUD Field EIV Coordinator will recertify PHA User Administrators.

Recently Published
See all Federal Register and Notices

Federal Register


Regulatory Waivers for Public Housing Programs To Assist With Transition to Asset Management, [Docket No. FR-5128-N-01]

PIH Notices

PIH 2007-3

Reoccupancy Policies for Pre-Disaster HUD Assisted and Special Needs Families Displaced by Hurricanes Katrina and Rita.

PIH 2007-4

Extension – Disaster Voucher Program (DVP) Operating Requirements – Rental Assistance for HUD-Assisted Families and Special Needs Families Displaced by Hurricanes Katrina and Rita

PIH 2007-5

Revised Voucher Housing Assistance Payments Contract (Form HUD 52641) and Tenancy Addendum (form HUD 52641A); Housing Choice Voucher Program Administration and the Violence Against Women and Justice Department Reauthorization Act of 2005 (VAWA 2005)

PIH 2007-6

Process for Public Housing Agency Voluntary Transfers of Housing Choice Vouchers, Project-Based Vouchers and Project-Based Certificates

PIH 2007-7

Guidance on Appeals under Subpart G of the Revisions to the Public Housing Operating Fund Program, Final Rule, Published in the Federal Register on September 19, 2005 (79 FR 54983)

PIH 2007-8

Extension – Notice PIH 2006-15 (HA), Single Audit Act (A-133) Independent Auditor Report Submission for Public Housing Agencies (PHAs)



Public Housing FY 2007 Quarter II Newsletter


Second Round Training- Changes in Financial Management and Reporting Requirements


Limited English Proficiency Guidance Meeting


Central Contract Registration (CCR) Renewal Requirement


Grants Policy Committee Webcast- Proposal of New Government-wide Reporting Forms


2007 SuperNOFA Published


New Procurement Handbook for Public Housing Agencies


Fair Housing Posters


Northwest Regional Conference on Reaching Unbanked People


Second Round Training- Changes in Financial Management and Reporting Requirements


2007 Income Limits Published- Public Housing/ Section 8


HUD SuperNOFA Webcasts, March 20-29, 2007


HUD Energy Webcast Training


Informational Event for Communities, Faith-based and Grassroots Organizations

HUD Highlights Regional Office E-Newsletter
Find out what's new in the Region across all HUD program areas. Sign up to receive this newsletter

Important Upcoming Quarter II Dates
!!! Please Note: All dates subject to change. Refer to program area websites for most current information and complete list of forms due!!!

FYE 3/31 PHAs


SEMAP Submission due in PIC (60 days after FYE)


MASS Submission due to REAC


Unaudited FASS for FYE 3/31/2007 submission due to REAC


(Late June) PHA certifies Follow-up Plan in RASS. Please see RASS Business Calendar

FYE 6/30 PHAs


PHA Plan submission. CFP Program Performance and Evaluation Reports must be included in PHA Plan.


One Copy of IPA Audit due to Field Office with Management letter, Corrective Action Plan, and other relevant written communications as applicable for FYE 3/31/2006. See PIH Notice 2006-15


(Mid April) PHA certifies Implementation Plan in RASS. Please see RASS Business Calendar

FYE 9/30 PHAs


Audited FASS submission due to REAC


One Copy of IPA Audit due to Field Office with Management letter, Corrective Action Plan, and other relevant written communications as applicable for FYE 9/30/2006. See PIH Notice 2006-15


PHA Plan submission. CFP Program Performance and Evaluation Reports must be included in PHA Plan

FYE 12/31 PHAs


6/30 Occupancy Report (HUD-51234) submit in PIC

All PHAs


Stop-loss application submission deadline (Asset Management)


EIV User Administrators must re-certify all existing EIV users for your housing authority.


IMPORTANT: All Public Housing and Housing Choice Voucher programs must have 95% PIC reporting rate as of 6/30/2007 or be subject to possible sanctions. See Notice PIH 2006-24.

Every Month

CFP obligated/expended data is submitted through eLOCCS. CFP work completion activities where pre-audit is required, are reminded to submit AMCC to Field Office

Every Month

Send complete copy of renewal Moderate Rehabilitation program HAP contracts with owners to FMC representative. Please include Attachment A. Contracts needed to request renewal funds and to release payments


VMS data collection (HUD 52681B submitted electronically). Ensure data is submitted timely and accurately. Failure to report timely could result in loss of Administrative fees. Check VMS website for exact submission dates


Please continue to submit Year-End Settlement Statement (HUD-52681) for Section 8 Mod Rehab, SROs, and Mainstream (DV) vouchers ONLY. Submit to FMC (45 calendar days after FYE)

90 days prior to FYB, submit complete budget (HUD-52673, 52672, 52663) for Mod Rehab, SRO, HOPE VI, Mainstream (DV code-5 year increments), to FMC representative

Content current as of 1 October 2012   Follow this link to go  Back to top   
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