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Siting Wind Turbines

Wind Powering America works to increase deployment of wind energy. This page provides resources about wind turbine siting.

American Wind Wildlife Institute

The American Wind Wildlife Institute (AWWI) facilitates timely and responsible development of wind energy, while protecting wildlife and wildlife habitat. AWWI was created and is sustained by a unique collaboration of environmentalists, conservationists, state wildlife agencies, and wind industry leaders. Its purpose is to help lay the scientific groundwork and best practices for wind farm siting and operations, through targeted initiatives: wind-wildlife research, landscape assessment, mitigation, and education.

Ordinances Regulating Development of Commercial Wind Energy Facilities

All energy projects impact the local communities in which they are built. Wind energy is no exception. Some communities may prefer to establish defined standards for development prior to the construction of a commercial wind energy facility. Many towns and counties throughout the United States have developed ordinances to regulate the impacts of wind energy development. These ordinances address safety, land use, and other impacts. Wind Powering America has identified themes that are typically included in ordinances regulating the development of commercial wind energy facilities. This list is provided to help your town or county develop future ordinances regulating the impact of utility-scale wind energy facilities.

Siting Considerations in New England

Choosing a proper site for a wind turbine or farm is critical to a successful project. This Web page provides information about siting wind turbines in New England.

National Wind Coordinating Collaborative

The National Wind Coordinating Collaborative (NWCC) produces various resource documents, case studies, principles and guidelines on topics such as siting and permitting, wildlife issues, economic development, wind energy transmission, and utility system integration. The NWCC is a consensus-based collaborative that identifies issues that affect the use of wind power, establishes dialogue among key stakeholders, and catalyzes activities to support the development of environmentally, economically, and politically sustainable commercial markets for wind power. The NWCC consists of supporters of wind energy as well as those who see potential concerns with development.


This page lists information resources about siting wind turbines.