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Virgin Islands National Park Visitors enjoying the clear blue water at the beach at Hawknest.
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Virgin Islands National Park
Seniors enjoying a picnic at one of the two picnic pavilion at Hawknest.

Senior citizens enjoying an outing at the Hawknest picnic pavilion.


A Special Use Permit [$25.00] is required at Hawksnest for organized activities that include ten or more people [events such as birthday parties, etc.] A permit is required for weddings and other special events regardless of the number of people participating [note that there is a limit of 50 people for any permitted activity at Hawksnest].

In addition to the Special Use Permit, there is a Cost Recovery Deposit of $100.00. The fee is refundable after grounds inspection and removal of trash when the event has ended.


All fees are payable by check or money order to the Virgin Islands National Park. Separate checks are required for the Special Use Permit and the Cost Recovery Deposit.

Picnic pavilions and grills are available for all activities.


Trunk Bay

Special use permits are required at Trunk Bay for organized activities that include ten (10) or more people for events such as birthday parties, etc. A permit is required for special events regardless of the number of people participating.

In addition to a $50.00 fee, there is a Cost Recovery fee of $150.00 for groups of fifty or more. The Cost Recovery fee is $100.00 for groups numbering ten to fifty people. The Cost Recovery fee is reimbursed after policing and removal of trash.

Fees are to be made payable by check or money order to Virgin Islands National Park. Checks/Money orders for the Recovery fee, as well as the Permit, are to be made separately.

Picnic pavilions and grills are available for all activities.

NOTE: Permits for wedding ceremonies, at any location within the Park, are required at a cost of $25 each.

Permit Applications may be faxed to Mrs. Laurelly Anthony at (340) 693-7337.

Commercial Filming/Still Photography

It is the policy of the National Park Service (NPS) to allow filming and photography when it is consistent with the protection and public enjoyment of park resources, and avoids conflict with the public's normal use and enjoyment of the park. Aesthetic values such as scenic vistas, natural quiet and dark night skies are resources that we value. We are also sensitive to the environments around our park sites. There are restrictions associated with group size, the use of commercial vehicles, generators, artificial lighting, commercial film equipment, props, sets and audio devices. Commercial vehicles must be in compliance with all federal and state laws and local ordinances.

Please contact Mrs. Laurelly Anthony at (340) 776-6201, ext. 244 for information regarding the Filming/Still Photography Application Packet.

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Turpentine trees, locally called Gumbo Limbo are found throughout the Island, but mostly in dryer forest.

Did You Know?
This unusual-looking tree found in dry forest areas has a reddish, peeling bark. The leaves and sap smell like turpentine and have many medicinal properties, but it is the peeling bark that gives the tree its nickname – "Tourist Tree".

Last Updated: July 11, 2008 at 14:59 MST